Reference manual

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1.0.0 by Jeison Alarcón, 4 months ago,,

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Authors: Jeison Alarcón [aut, cre, ctr] , Alberto Rodríguez [aut, rev] , Dirección Nacional de Planeación y Estadística Universidad Nacional de Colombia [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports d3r, dplyr, DT, dygraphs, echarts4r, fmsb, forcats, ggplot2, gt, highcharter, leaflet, leaflet.extras, plotly, rlang, sunburstR, tidyr, treemap, cli, data.tree, ggspatial, ggrepel, gtExtras, htmltools, jsonlite, lifecycle, magrittr, maps, scales, sf, sp, stringr, xts, zoo, grDevices, utils, methods, htmlwidgets, webshot, png, grid, gridSVG, XML

Suggests testthat, cowplot, ggthemes, magick, pals, readxl, rsvg, tibble, viridis

See at CRAN