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2.11 by Francois Husson, a year ago
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Authors: Francois Husson , Julie Josse , Sebastien Le , Jeremy Mazet
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports car, cluster, DT, ellipse, emmeans, flashClust, graphics, grDevices, lattice, leaps, MASS, multcompView, scatterplot3d, stats, utils, ggplot2, ggrepel
Suggests missMDA, knitr, Factoshiny, markdown
Imported by CAinterprTools, CINNA, ClustBlock, Compind, FactoInvestigate, GDAtools, HistDAWass, HotellingEllipse, Indicator, MLGL, NaileR, OTrecod, RSDA, RVAideMemoire, RclusTool, SPARTAAS, SQI, SensMap, UEI, clusterMI, denoiseR, discoveR, factoextra, fmf, ggfacto, gspcr, interca, inti, mFD, mimi, missMDA, packMBPLSDA, pcvr, phoenics, powdR, rKOMICS, rYWAASB, rpcss,, tetraclasse, tidymodlr, uHMM, visualpred, wilson.
Depended on by Factoshiny, HDoutliers, R.temis, RcmdrPlugin.FactoMineR, SensoMineR, Xplortext, fdm2id.
Suggested by GABB, MARVEL, RGCCA, explor, forwards, glmtree, guideR, longmixr, multiblock, parameters, plsdepot, plspm, sageR, seewave, seqhandbook, tinyarray, wrGraph.
See at CRAN