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Authors: Tomas Fryda [aut, cre] , Erin LeDell [aut] , Navdeep Gill [aut] , Spencer Aiello [aut] , Anqi Fu [aut] , Arno Candel [aut] , Cliff Click [aut] , Tom Kraljevic [aut] , Tomas Nykodym [aut] , Patrick Aboyoun [aut] , Michal Kurka [aut] , Michal Malohlava [aut] , Sebastien Poirier [aut] , Wendy Wong [aut] , Ludi Rehak [ctb] , Eric Eckstrand [ctb] , Brandon Hill [ctb] , Sebastian Vidrio [ctb] , Surekha Jadhawani [ctb] , Amy Wang [ctb] , Raymond Peck [ctb] , Jan Gorecki [ctb] , Matt Dowle [ctb] , Yuan Tang [ctb] , Lauren DiPerna [ctb] , Veronika Maurerova [ctb] , Yuliia Syzon [ctb] , Adam Valenta [ctb] , Marek Novotny [ctb] , [cph, fnd]
Documentation: PDF Manual
Apache License (== 2.0) license
Imports graphics, tools, utils, RCurl, jsonlite
Depends on methods, stats
Suggests ggplot2, mlbench, Matrix, slam, bit64, data.table, rgl, plot3Drgl, survival, DT, IRdisplay, htmltools, plotly, repr, curl, scales
System requirements: Java (>= 8, <= 17)
Imported by agua, autoEnsemble, h2otools,, lazytrade, lilikoi, mlim, rsparkling, shapley, shinyML.
Suggested by DALEXtra, NeuralSens, bundle, flowml, iForecast, iml, lares, lareshiny, lime, localICE, mlflow, mlr, pheble, stacks.
Enhanced by effectplots, shapviz, texreg, vip.
See at CRAN