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1.1.5 by Bruno Ribeiro, 3 months ago (website)
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Authors: Bruno Ribeiro [aut, cre] , Santiago Velazco [aut] , Karlo Guidoni-Martins [aut] , Geiziane Tessarolo [aut] , Lucas Jardim [aut] , Steven Bachman [ctb] , Rafael Loyola [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) license
Imports CoordinateCleaner, doParallel, dplyr, DT, foreach, fs, ggplot2, here, magrittr, purrr, qs, readr, rgnparser, rnaturalearth, sf, stringdist, stringi, stringr, taxadb, tibble, tidyselect
Suggests contentid, covr, cowplot, DBI, duckdb, knitr, maps, markdown, rappdirs, raster, remotes, rlang, rmarkdown, rnaturalearthdata, sp, rvest, xml2, testthat
Suggested by BeeBDC.
See at CRAN