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0.4.0 by Sukalpo Saha, a month ago,
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Authors: Sukalpo Saha [aut, cre] , Arjun Rubalingam [aut] , Ben Straub [aut] , Vikram S [aut] , Dhivya Kanagaraj [aut] , Federico Baratin [aut] , Yamini Purna Bollu [aut] , Ilse Augustyns [aut] , Kalyani Bodicherla [aut] , Hilde Delanghe [aut] , Lee Armishaw [aut] , Neetu Sangari [ctb] , Abdul Khayat [ctb] , Ankur Jindal [ctb] , Jayashree V [ctb] , Jagadish Katam [ctb] , Andrea Pammolli [ctb] , Daniele Bottigliengo [ctb] , Ranya Ben Hsain [ctb] , Marleen Nijs [ctb] , Mandy Peng [ctb] , Tina Zhai [ctb] , Ross Farrugia [ctb] , Stefan Bundfuss [ctb] , Edoardo Mancini [ctb] , Pfizer Inc. [cph, fnd] , GlaxoSmithKline LLC [cph, fnd] , Johnson & Johnson [cph, fnd]
Documentation: PDF Manual
Apache License (>= 2) license
Imports admiral, admiraldev, assertthat, dplyr, hms, lifecycle, lubridate, magrittr, purrr, rlang, stringr, tidyr, tidyselect
Suggests covr, devtools, diffdf, DT, knitr, lintr, methods, miniUI, pharmaversesdtm, pkgdown, rmarkdown, roxygen2, spelling, testthat, tibble, usethis, metatools
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