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1.9.1 by Martin Chan, 9 months ago,
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Authors: Martin Chan [aut, cre] , Carlos Morales [aut] , Mark Powers [ctb] , Ainize Cidoncha [ctb] , Rosamary Ochoa Vargas [ctb] , Tannaz Sattari [ctb] , Lucas Hogner [ctb] , Jasminder Thind [ctb] , Simone Liebal [ctb] , Aleksey Ashikhmin [ctb] , Ellen Trinklein [ctb] , Microsoft Corporation [cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports dplyr, stats, utils, tidyr, tidyselect, magrittr, purrr, reshape2, ggplot2, ggrepel, scales, htmltools, markdown, rmarkdown, networkD3, DT, tidytext, ggraph, igraph, proxy, ggwordcloud, methods, data.table
Suggests knitr, extrafont, lifecycle, fst, glue, flexdashboard, lmtest, sandwich, testthat
Imported by vivainsights.
See at CRAN