Reference manual

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1.2.1 by Lionel Henry, 10 months ago,

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Authors: Lionel Henry [aut, cre] , Hadley Wickham [aut] , Posit Software , PBC [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports cli, glue, lifecycle, rlang, vctrs, withr

Suggests covr, crayon, dplyr, knitr, magrittr, rmarkdown, stringr, testthat, tibble

Imported by ARPALData, AeroSampleR, AirMonitor, Andromeda, AutoWMM, AzureKusto, BOJ, BeeBDC, CDMConnector, CoNI, CodelistGenerator, ConfidenceEllipse, CongressData, CoordinateCleaner, DSSAT, DisImpact, DrugExposureDiagnostics, ECOTOXr, EDCimport, EScvtmle, EpiReport, FFTrees, ForestElementsR, GDPuc, GHCNr, GISSB, GREENeR, GRIN2, GeoTox, Greg, HDStIM, HLMdiag, HYPEtools, IBRtools, ICD10gm, ISCA, JSmediation, LAD, LTFHPlus, LadderFuelsR, LipidomicsR, MAGMA.R, MAICtools, MLFS, MOCHA, MagmaClustR, MantaID, NEONiso, NetCoupler, Nmisc, OLStrajr, OVtool, OlinkAnalyze, OnboardClient, OncoBayes2, PHEindicatormethods, PKbioanalysis, PUMP, QuICSeedR, RCT, RClimacell, REDCapCAST, REDCapDM, REDCapTidieR, RNAseqQC, RQdeltaCT, RSDA, RTL, Rcurvep, ReportSubtotal, SCDB, SCFMonitor, SISIR, SWMPrExtension, ShinyLink, Signac, SimplyAgree, SingleCaseES, Spectran, StanMoMo, SticsRFiles, Superpower, TKCat, TidyDensity, Tplyr, WinRatio, WoodSimulatR, academictwitteR, admiral, admiraldev, admiralonco, admiralophtha, admiralpeds, admiralvaccine, airship, alarmdata, alfred, alookr, animbook, anipaths, apmx, applicable, apyramid, ardl.nardl, arealDB, arrow, autostats, bate, bayesnec, bayesplot, bcdata, bdc, bfboinet, bioRad, bluebike, bonsaiforest, bootnet, bp, brms.mmrm, c2z, calibrationband, carbonr, cards, care4cmodel, cassowaryr, cccrm, cdrcR, cepumd, cheese, chronochrt, condformat, conquestr, contrastable, convergEU, corx, crew, crplyr, cspp, csquares, cubble, cubelyr, cutpointr, d3Tree, dafishr, datadictionary, dbplyr, decisionSupport, deident, descstat, detourr, dfidx, dibble, diffeR, diseasystore, divseg, dlookr, dm, do, dotsViolin, dowser, dplyr, drake, dreamer, dtplyr, duckplyr, echoice2, edibble, eiExpand, elaborator, eph, epiCleanr, epikit, escalation, eufmdis.adapt, excluder, eye, fabletools, fastplyr, fgeo.tool, findSVI, finetune, finnts, fitzRoy, flashlight, flexsurv, flowchart, forstringr, fqar, fr, framecleaner, ftExtra, funStatTest, functiondepends, gMOIP, galah, galvanizer, gapclosing,, genesysr, geocausal, geodimension, geogenr, geomultistar, geouy, gesttools, ggFishPlots, ggalluvial, ggblanket, ggbrain, ggfacto, ggforce, gggenomes, ggmice, ggpcp, ggperiodic, goat, gratia, gt, hacksaw, halfmoon, halk, handwriter, handwriterRF, haven, hdImpute, historicalborrow, historicalborrowlong, hlaR, htrSPRanalysis, hubEnsembles, huxtable, i2extras, iadf, ibb, ideanet, immunarch, implyr, imprinting, imt, incidence2, injurytools, insee, interfacer, iotables, ipolygrowth, ipumsr, isoorbi, isotracer, itsdm, jagstargets, janitor, jmastats, keyATM, kindisperse, klovan, labelled, ledger, lenses, lfproQC, linelist, listr, litteR, lnmixsurv, lvmisc, maldipickr, manifestoR, matman, matrixset, mcp, metaconfoundr, metacore, metan, micsr, miniLNM, modelr, move2, movegroup, mpower,, mrgsolve, msSPChelpR, mshap, msigdbr, multidplyr, multimorbidity, multiverse, name, navigatr, neo4r, neonSoilFlux, nestr, nfl4th, nflfastR, nixtlar, njtr1, nuggets, nzilbb.vowels, ontologics, ordr, panelsummary, parquetize, parsermd, pathviewr, pdi, petersenlab, photobiologyInOut, pingers, plotor, plume, pointblank, poputils, portalr, powerjoin, presenter, prettyglm, probably, processpredictR, psycModel, psyntur, pubh, pvda, pysparklyr, qbr, quid, quollr, r2dii.analysis, r2dii.match, r2mlm, rATTAINS, rTCRBCRr, radiant.model, rar, ready4, recipes, recmetrics, redist, regions, regressinator, retroharmonize, reveneraR, revulyticsR, rfacebookstat, rfars, riskCommunicator, riverconn, roads, robis, robotoolbox, rolap, rsample, rscorecard, rsnell, rstatix, rsyntax, rticulate, rvec, saros, saros.base, scdhlm, scipub, scrutiny, sdtmchecks, sdtmval, sfcr, shazam, shinyHugePlot, shinymodels, sift, simplanonym, simpr, sitepickR, sjmisc, skimr, snvecR, socialrisk, sparklyr, sparklyr.nested, spatialRF, spatialTIME, spatialsample, srvyr, ssdGSA, stRoke, statar, stgam, stickyr, sudachir, surveyexplorer, swaprinc,, tablecompare, tabledown, tabshiftr, tabxplor, talkr, tame, tarchetypes, targets, tcgaViz, tdcmStan, teal.transform, testdat, tfdatasets, tfestimators, tfrmt, tfruns, threesixtygiving, tibblify, tidyEdSurvey, tidyREDCap, tidyRSS, tidybayes, tidybins, tidycensus, tidycomm, tidygam, tidyindex, tidypaleo, tidyplots, tidyplus, tidyr, tidyseurat, tidysmd, tidytable, tidytidbits, tidytree, timeplyr, timetk, tmod, tntpr, triptych, trud, tsibble, tune, unpivotr, usedthese, utile.tables, validata, versus, viraldomain, viralmodels, vital, vivainsights, vivaldi, voice, volker, vroom, waves, waywiser, webr, wingen, workflows, worldfootballR, wpa, xportr, xpose.xtras, yardstick, ycevo, yfR, zdeskR, zoomr.

Depended on by multimedia, orderanalyzer.

Suggested by CGPfunctions, CohortSymmetry, Gmisc, PPtreeregViz, Platypus, REDCapR, RandomWalker, activAnalyzer, arcgislayers, constructive, crosstable, dtrackr, flow, forestmangr, forestplot, furrr, ggdist, gtExtras, healthyR,, healthyR.ts, heatmaply, htmlTable, ir, isobxr, logrx, modelsummary, multifear, nestedmodels, oddsapiR, parameters, photosynthesis, purgeR, purrr, scCustomize, sf, spRingsteen, ssdtools, statnipokladna, tidystats, tinylens, vetiver, vimp.

Enhanced by AMR.

See at CRAN