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1.0.0 by Michael Scholz, 6 days ago
Browse source code at
Authors: Michael Scholz [cre, aut] , Joerg Bauer [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports data.table, dplyr, matrixcalc, quanteda, rlist, stringr, tibble, tidyr, utils, purrr, digest, lubridate
Depends on tidyselect
Suggests pdftools, tesseract, xml2
System requirements: Tesseract >= 5.0.0, libtesseract-dev (deb), tesseract-devel (rpm), libleptonica-dev (deb), leptonica-devel (rpm), tesseract-ocr-eng (deb), libpoppler-cpp-dev (deb), poppler-cpp-devel (rpm), poppler-data (rpm/deb), libxml2-dev (deb), libxml2-devel (rpm)
See at CRAN