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2.2.0 by Joe Thorley, 25 days ago,
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Authors: Joe Thorley [aut, cre] , Rebecca Fisher [aut] , David Fox [aut] , Carl Schwarz [aut] , Angeline Tillmanns [ctb] , Seb Dalgarno [ctb] , Kathleen McTavish [ctb] , Heather Thompson [ctb] , Doug Spry [ctb] , Rick van Dam [ctb] , Graham Batley [ctb] , Ali Azizishirazi [ctb] , Nadine Hussein [ctb] , Sarah Lyons [ctb] , Duncan Kennedy [ctb] , Stephanie Hazlitt [ctb] , Hadley Wickham [ctb] , Sergio Ibarra Espinosa [ctb] , Andy Teucher [ctb] , Emilie Doussantousse [ctb] , Nan-Hung Hsieh [ctb] , Florencia D'Andrea [ctb] , Province of British Columbia [fnd, cph] , Environment and Climate Change Canada [fnd, cph] , Australian Government Department of Climate Change , Energy , the Environment and Water [fnd, cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
Apache License (== 2.0) | file LICENSE license
Imports abind, chk, furrr, generics, ggplot2, ggtext, glue, goftest, graphics, grid, lifecycle, parallel, plyr, purrr, Rcpp, rlang, scales, ssddata, stats, stringr, tibble, TMB, universals, utils, withr
Suggests actuar, covr, doFuture, dplyr, EnvStats, extraDistr, fitdistrplus, foreach, future, grDevices, knitr, latex2exp, magrittr,, patchwork, readr, reshape2, rmarkdown, testthat, tidyr, tidyselect, tinytex, VGAM
Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen, TMB
Suggested by serocalculator.
See at CRAN