Reference manual

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1.5.1 by Kyle T Baron, a day ago

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Authors: Kyle T Baron [aut, cre] , Bill Gillespie [ctb] , Charles Margossian [ctb] , Devin Pastoor [ctb] , Bill Denney [ctb] , Dilawar Singh [ctb] , Felicien Le Louedec [ctb] , Timothy Waterhouse [ctb] , Kyle Meyer [ctb] , Metrum Research Group [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports Rcpp, dplyr, magrittr, tibble, rlang, tidyselect, lifecycle, glue

Depends on methods

Suggests lattice, testthat, xml2, rmarkdown, yaml, knitr, data.table, pmxTools

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo, BH

Imported by mapbayr.

Depended on by mrgsim.parallel,

Suggested by PopED, campsis, coveffectsplot, tci.

See at CRAN