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2.2.1 by Sam Firke, 2 months ago,
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Authors: Sam Firke [aut, cre] , Bill Denney [ctb] , Chris Haid [ctb] , Ryan Knight [ctb] , Malte Grosser [ctb] , Jonathan Zadra [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports dplyr, hms, lifecycle, lubridate, magrittr, purrr, rlang, stringi, stringr, snakecase, tidyselect, tidyr
Suggests dbplyr, knitr, rmarkdown, RSQLite, sf, testthat, tibble, tidygraph
Imported by AdverseEvents, BFS, BrazilCrime, ConsRankClass, DCPO, FlickrAPI, HLMdiag, HMDHFDplus, IMD, LightLogR, MAGMA.R, REDCapDM, SangerTools, TangledFeatures, ThermalSampleR, autostats, bambooHR, baseballr, bayesrules, bluebike, bndesr, cepumd, cleanepi, clockify, covid19india, cricketdata, crypto2, dacc, dail, dams, datazoom.amazonia, diffdfs, drpop, eatRep, ech, epe4md, epiCleanr, epitweetr, etl, excluder, extractox, f1dataR, fabR, fastRhockey, fastml, fastrep, filebin, fitbitr, fitzRoy, flightsbr, framecleaner, getLattes, gimap, govinfoR,, hlaR, hoopR, hudr, influential, irtQ, ispdata, itraxR, khisr, lacrmr, madshapR, metricminer, mnis, modeltime, moderndive, nfl4th, nflfastR, octopus, oddsapiR, opinAr, otargen, otpr, presenter, protti, qualitycontrol, quicR, quid, rSRD, readapra, redatam, repoRter.nih, reservoirnet, rfars, rmdl, scCustomize, speechbr, spotifyr, tabbycat, theftdlc, threesixtygiving, tidyDenovix, tidyREDCap, tidybins, tntpr, unmconf, validata, vvauditor, wehoop, worldfootballR, zoomr.
Depended on by babyTimeR.
Suggested by APCalign, BeeBDC, CGPfunctions, EDCimport, NHSRdatasets, Rmonize, SingleCaseES, acledR, avocado, formods, geofi,, hmsidwR, industRial, k5, lterdatasampler, mtsta, mxnorm, nichetools, ohsome, public.ctn0094data, questionr, r4ds.tutorials, rattle, scdhlm, textrecipes, tidyquant.
Enhanced by AMR.
See at CRAN