Reference manual

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2.1.5 by Elin Waring, 2 years ago (website),

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Authors: Elin Waring [cre, aut] , Michael Quinn [aut] , Amelia McNamara [aut] , Eduardo Arino de la Rubia [aut] , Hao Zhu [aut] , Julia Lowndes [ctb] , Shannon Ellis [aut] , Hope McLeod [ctb] , Hadley Wickham [ctb] , Kirill Müller [ctb] , RStudio , Inc. [cph] (Spark functions) , Connor Kirkpatrick [ctb] , Scott Brenstuhl [ctb] , Patrick Schratz [ctb] , lbusett [ctb] , Mikko Korpela [ctb] , Jennifer Thompson [ctb] , Harris McGehee [ctb] , Mark Roepke [ctb] , Patrick Kennedy [ctb] , Daniel Possenriede [ctb] , David Zimmermann [ctb] , Kyle Butts [ctb] , Bastian Torges [ctb] , Rick Saporta [ctb] , Henry Morgan Stewart [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports cli, dplyr, knitr, magrittr, pillar, purrr, repr, rlang, stats, stringr, tibble, tidyr, tidyselect, vctrs

Suggests covr, crayon, data.table, dtplyr, extrafont, haven, lubridate, rmarkdown, testthat, withr

Imported by IGoRRR, NIMAA, archetyper, chronicle, codebook, mdsr, studentlife, volker.

Suggested by BDgraph, HVT, REDCapTidieR, dispositionEffect, industRial, liver, panelr, papaja, sdcLog, ssgraph, tidyREDCap.

Enhanced by AMR.

See at CRAN