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0.9.6 by Kamil Slowikowski, 5 months ago,

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Authors: Kamil Slowikowski [aut, cre] , Alicia Schep [ctb] , Sean Hughes [ctb] , Trung Kien Dang [ctb] , Saulius Lukauskas [ctb] , Jean-Olivier Irisson [ctb] , Zhian N Kamvar [ctb] , Thompson Ryan [ctb] , Dervieux Christophe [ctb] , Yutani Hiroaki [ctb] , Pierre Gramme [ctb] , Amir Masoud Abdol [ctb] , Malcolm Barrett [ctb] , Robrecht Cannoodt [ctb] , MichaƂ Krassowski [ctb] , Michael Chirico [ctb] , Pedro Aphalo [ctb] , Francis Barton [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 | file LICENSE license

Imports grid, Rcpp, rlang, scales, withr

Depends on ggplot2

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, svglite, vdiffr, gridExtra, ggpp, patchwork, devtools, prettydoc, ggbeeswarm, dplyr, magrittr, readr, stringr

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by AdverseEvents, AgroR, AgroTech, Anaconda, BasketballAnalyzeR, CA3variants, CAESAR.Suite, CAinterprTools, CGPfunctions, CLONETv2, CRMetrics, ChemoSpecUtils, ClustAssess, CoNI, CoreMicrobiomeR, Coxmos, D2MCS, DEET, DEGRE, EIX, EntropicStatistics, EpiTest, EvoPhylo, FactoMineR, Factoshiny, FunnelPlotR, GABB, GDAtools, GOCompare, GUniFrac, GseaVis, HLMdiag, HYPEtools, HetSeq, Holomics, LDABiplots, LSX, LipidomicsR, MBAnalysis, MCAvariants, MEGENA, MOCHA, MSEtool, MassWateR, MetAlyzer, MetaNet, MicrobiomeStat, MuPETFlow, MultiGroupO, MultiTraits, NACHO, NetworkChange, NetworkInference, NeuralSens, ODMeans, OVtool, OlinkAnalyze, PAC, PCBS, PathwaySpace, PsychWordVec, PvSTATEM, RCPA, RGCCA, RNAseqQC, RSDA, RamanMP, ReporterScore, SPARRAfairness, SensoMineR, Seurat, ShortForm, SpaCCI, SparseBiplots, Spectran, StabilizedRegression, StepReg, UnalR, WormTensor, Xplortext, adproclus, affinitymatrix, agriutilities, amanida, auditor, autostsm, baggr, bayesammi, bibliometrix, bulkAnalyseR, canadianmaps, caplot, caresid, cinaR, clustrd, clustree, colorrepel, conos, conquestr, conserveR, cophescan, correlationfunnel, corrr, dampack, densityClust, dilp, discourseGT, dittoViz, dmbc, douconca, dtwclust, dualScale, dyngen, eat, epiomics, factoextra, fastTopics, ferrn, fgeo.plot, flightplot, gMOIP, gWQS, geofacet, geosimilarity, germinationmetrics, gfer, ggFishPlots, ggScatRidges, ggbrain, ggdag, ggdemetra, ggfacto, gghalfnorm, gghighlight, ggmosaic, ggnetwork, ggpie, ggpubr, ggquickeda, ggraph, ggseqplot, ggspectra, ggstatsplot, ggtangle, ggvolcano, gosset, graphPAF, gwaRs, gwasforest,, hidecan, iCellR, iNZightRegression, icertool, idm, immunarch, inTextSummaryTable, influenceAUC, interca, isobxr, iwaqr, jmv, jointVIP, jsmodule, keyATM, kindisperse, klovan, konfound, locuszoomr, mFD, manhplot, matuR, metaGE, metan, metaprotr, mglasso, mixpoissonreg, mizer, morepls, necountries, nzilbb.vowels, o2plsda, ordr, otargen, overviewR, pacta.multi.loanbook, palaeoSig, patterncausality, pctax, plinkQC, plotthis, pooling, promor, protti, qtl2ggplot, quanteda.textplots, r2dii.plot, r4lineups, rSRD, radiant.model, radiant.multivariate, randomForestExplainer, rbiom, rnaCrosslinkOO, rnmamod, rosetta, sNPLS, scCustomize, sccore, scrutiny, semfindr, semhelpinghands, semlbci, sensitivityCalibration, shapviz, shoredate, sistmr, skewlmm, snplinkage,, spotoroo, squat, statVisual, statgenSTA, stminsights, success, suddengains, swfscMisc, teal.modules.clinical, tetraclasse, text, tidyestimate, tidyplots, tidywater, tmod, topr, triptych, ufs, unhcrthemes, vannstats, vistime, visualpred, visvow, vivainsights, wilson, wordmap, wpa.

Depended on by CAvariants, FactoClass, SetMethods, func2vis, lmap.

Suggested by AlleleShift, AntibodyForests, AquaBEHER, Census2016, ConsensusOPLS, DALEXtra, DataVisualizations, FossilSim, GauPro, Guerry, LorMe, MARVEL, NHSRdatasets, Platypus, ProFAST, SCpubr, Signac, TextMiningGUI, UCSCXenaShiny, ZIprop, aum, avocado, baseballr, biplotEZ, bmstdr, brainGraph, card, circumplex, coveffectsplot, covid19br, csalert, csmaps, cubble, dartR.base, deeptime, easybio, ecocomDP, ergm.multi, ezplot, fairmodels, fastRhockey, feasts, forrel, genekitr, geofi, ggDoE, ggalluvial, ggautomap, ggeffects, ggfocus, ggfortify, gggenomes, ggiraph, ggmapinset, ggpmisc, ggpointless, ggpp, ggspark, ggspatial, ggwordcloud, grandR, harmony, hoopR, httk, ibawds, kidsides, lcars, limonaid, logitr, marginaleffects, microeco, mosaic, multimedia, mvMAPIT, nestedmodels, numbat, nuts, oddsapiR, opticskxi, parsnip, pcutils, pixarfilms, pkgndep, precisely, profiplots, projpred, psycModel, r4ds.tutorials, rTPC, rempsyc, repoRter.nih, ribd, rioplot, rliger, rmacrostrat, rnaturalearth, robustmatrix, rtrek, rxode2, see, sigminer, signs, sjPlot, sotkanet, spinifex, starvz, streamDAG, symphony, talkr, teal.modules.general, textplot, threesixtygiving, tidybayes, tidygeocoder, topicmodels.etm, ubiquity, usmap, wehoop, wrappedtools.

See at CRAN