Reference manual

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0.8.0 by Lucas Leandro Nesi, 5 months ago

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Authors: Lucas Mello Schnorr [aut, ths] , Vinicius Garcia Pinto [aut] , Lucas Leandro Nesi [aut, cre] , Marcelo Cogo Miletto [aut] , Guilherme Alles [ctb] , Arnaud Legrand [ctb] , Luka Stanisic [ctb] , Rémy Drouilhet [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports methods, grDevices, stats, utils, magrittr, dplyr, ggplot2, tibble, rlang, tidyr, patchwork, purrr, readr, stringr, yaml, lpSolve, gtools, data.tree, RColorBrewer, zoo, Rcpp

Suggests arrow, testthat, flexmix, car, viridis, ggrepel, mclust

Linking to Rcpp, BH

System requirements: C++, arrow package with gzip codec, StarPU

See at CRAN