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2.8.0 by Frank Weber, a year ago,
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Authors: Juho Piironen [aut] , Markus Paasiniemi [aut] , Alejandro Catalina [aut] , Frank Weber [cre, aut] , Aki Vehtari [aut] , Jonah Gabry [ctb] , Marco Colombo [ctb] , Paul-Christian Bürkner [ctb] , Hamada S. Badr [ctb] , Brian Sullivan [ctb] , Sölvi Rögnvaldsson [ctb] , The LME4 Authors [cph] (see file 'LICENSE' for details) , Yann McLatchie [ctb] , Juho Timonen [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 | file LICENSE license
Imports methods, utils, Rcpp, gtools, ggplot2, scales, rstantools, loo, lme4, mvtnorm, mgcv, gamm4, abind, MASS, ordinal, nnet, mclogit
Suggests ggrepel, rstanarm, brms, nlme, optimx, ucminf, parallel, foreach, iterators, doRNG, unix, testthat, vdiffr, knitr, rmarkdown, glmnet, cmdstanr, rlang, bayesplot, posterior, doParallel, future, future.callr, doFuture
Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo
Suggested by BayesERtools, brms.
See at CRAN