Reference manual

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2.4.0 by John Wambaugh, 4 months ago

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Authors: John Wambaugh [aut, cre] , Sarah Davidson-Fritz [aut] , Robert Pearce [aut] , Caroline Ring [aut] , Greg Honda [aut] , Mark Sfeir [aut] , Matt Linakis [aut] , Dustin Kapraun [aut] , Nathan Pollesch [ctb] , Miyuki Breen [ctb] , Shannon Bell [ctb] , Xiaoqing Chang [ctb] , Todor Antonijevic [ctb] , Jimena Davis [ctb] , Elaina Kenyon [ctb] , Katie Paul Friedman [ctb] , Meredith Scherer [ctb] , James Sluka [ctb] , Noelle Sinski [ctb] , Nisha Sipes [ctb] , Barbara Wetmore [ctb] , Lily Whipple [ctb] , Woodrow Setzer [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports deSolve, msm, data.table, survey, mvtnorm, truncnorm, stats, graphics, utils, magrittr, purrr, methods, Rdpack, ggplot2

Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, R.rsp, gplots, scales, EnvStats, MASS, RColorBrewer, stringr, reshape, viridis, gmodels, colorspace, cowplot, ggrepel, dplyr, forcats, smatr, gridExtra, readxl, ks

Suggested by GeoTox, pksensi.

See at CRAN