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1.1-21 by Eleonora Arnone, a month ago
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Authors: Eleonora Arnone [aut, cre] , Aldo Clemente [aut] , Laura M. Sangalli [aut] , Eardi Lila [aut] , Jim Ramsay [aut] , Luca Formaggia [aut] , Giovanni Ardenghi [ctb] , Blerta Begu [ctb] , Michele Cavazzutti [ctb] , Alessandra Colli [ctb] , Alberto Colombo [ctb] , Luca Colombo [ctb] , Carlo de Falco [ctb] , Enrico Dall'Acqua [ctb] , Giulia Ferla [ctb] , Lorenzo Ghilotti [ctb] , Cristina Galimberti [ctb] , Jiyoung Kim [ctb] , Martina Massardi [ctb] , Giorgio Meretti [ctb] , Simone Panzeri [ctb] , Giulio Perin [ctb] , Clara Pigolotti [ctb] , Andrea Poiatti [ctb] , Gian Matteo Rinaldi [ctb] , Stefano Spaziani [ctb] , Andrea Vicini [ctb] , David C. Sterratt [cph] (Author of included Triangle source files)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Depends on stats, grDevices, graphics, rgl, Matrix, plot3D, methods
Suggests MASS, testthat
Linking to RcppEigen, Rcpp
System requirements: GNU make
See at CRAN