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1.14.3 by Tarn Duong, 5 months ago
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Authors: Tarn Duong [aut, cre] , Matt Wand [ctb] , Jose Chacon [ctb] , Artur Gramacki [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 | GPL-3 license
Imports FNN, kernlab, KernSmooth, Matrix, mclust, mgcv, multicool, mvtnorm, pracma
Suggests geometry, MASS, misc3d, oz, plot3D, rgl
Imported by BEKKs, BMTAR, DMTL, FitDynMix, GPareto, HybridMicrobiomes, NMADiagT, NTSS, OVL.CI, Racmacs, SPARTAAS, Surrogate, TEAM, ThresholdROC, VIRF, YEAB, agfh, bayesammi, birdring, blocs, bspcov, cdcsis, changepoints, curvHDR, ecospat, eks, enmSdmX, fdaSP, feature, fitPS, funspace, goffda, hdrcde, highriskzone, hypervolume, lg, logcondens, lsbs, metaGE, motmot, movieROC, multimode, npphen, oddstream, powerPLS, qch, rainbow, raptr, refreg, rugarch, sNPLS, semiArtificial, shinyWGD, simIReff, simlandr, simukde, smoothROCtime, starvars, stppSim, stray, tseriesEntropy, tstests, weird, winputall.
Depended on by Kernelheaping, TPD, fbst, rKIN.
Suggested by broom, causalBatch, clustNet, condvis2, fdapace, httk, kedd, kernelboot, mable, np, polykde, scorematchingad, sensitivity, spatialEco, transport.
See at CRAN