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0.100.2 by Claudia Beleites, 10 months ago (documentation), (code)
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Authors: Claudia Beleites [aut, cre, dtc] , Valter Sergo [aut] , Alois Bonifacio [ctb, dtc] , Marcel Dahms [ctb] , Björn Egert [ctb] , Simon Fuller [ctb] , Vilmantas Gegzna [aut] , Rustam Guliev [ctb] , Bryan A. Hanson [ctb] , Michael Hermes [ctb] , Martin Kammer [dtc] , Roman Kiselev [ctb] , Sebastian Mellor [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 3) license
Imports testthat, methods, utils, latticeExtra, lazyeval, dplyr, rlang
Depends on lattice, grid, ggplot2, xml2
Suggests R.matlab, deldir, rgl, plotrix, sp, baseline, compiler, inline, Rcpp, MASS, fastcluster, pls, mvtnorm, digest, reshape, devtools, R.rsp, tibble, knitr, rmarkdown
Imported by OpenSpecy, ir.
Suggested by ChemoSpec, photobiologyInOut.
See at CRAN