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6.0.1 by Jeroen Ooms, a month ago
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Authors: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] , Jan Marvin Garbuszus [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports Rcpp, jsonlite, curl, utils
Suggests testthat, knitr, rmarkdown
Linking to Rcpp
System requirements: V8 engine version 6+ is needed for ES6 and WASM support. On Linux you can build against libv8-dev (Debian) or v8-devel (Fedora). We also provide static libv8 binaries for most platforms, see the README for details.
Imported by AdhereRViz, DOT, DiagrammeRsvg, JSconsole, adepro, ajv, almanac, asciicast, audubon, badgen, colormap, concaveman, covatest, cppcheckR, ctrdata, daff, dagitty, dtrackr, emuR, geojsonio, gfer, h3jsr, ical, js, jsonNormalize, jsonld, jsonvalidate, juicyjuice, katex, nodbi, openrouteservice, prismjs, randomcoloR, rjade, rless, rmapshaper, sketch, trackeRapp, tweetcheck, uaparserjs, usincometaxes.
Suggested by ASRgenomics, EstimationTools, RDML, RelDists, SpatMCA, SpatPCA, TDCM, TempStable, altair, animate, bracer, causalOT, emhawkes, glmm, inldata, leaflet.providers, matRiks, mlms, mousetRajectory, nomnoml, nscancor, phyloregion, pmwg, prettifyAddins, reactR, reactable, rgl, rgl2gltf, rstan, rstanarm, shinyChakraUI, shortIRT, sim2Dpredictr, vegawidget, warbleR.
Enhanced by d3r.
See at CRAN