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3.1-1 by Guido Schwarzer, a month ago
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Authors: Gerta Rücker [aut] , Ulrike Krahn [aut] , Jochem König [aut] , Orestis Efthimiou [aut] , Annabel Davies [aut] , Theodoros Papakonstantinou [aut] , Theodoros Evrenoglou [ctb] , Krzysztof Ciomek [ctb] , Author of the original MIT-licensed R package hasseDiagram) , Guido Schwarzer [aut, cre]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) | file LICENSE license
Imports Matrix, metafor, MASS, mvtnorm, magic, igraph, ggplot2, colorspace, grid, dplyr, magrittr, methods
Depends on meta
Suggests Rgraphviz, graph, rgl, gridExtra, tictoc, writexl, R.rsp, cccp, brglm2
Imported by NMAoutlier, RepeatedHighDim, fragility, poth, rankinma, ssifs, survNMA, viscomp.
Depended on by crossnma, mtrank, nmarank.
Suggested by MBNMAdose, OssaNMA, RcmdrPlugin.EZR, meta, metadat.
See at CRAN