Reference manual

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0.3.0 by Finn Lindgren, 6 days ago,

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Authors: Finn Lindgren [aut, cre, cph] , Finn Lindgren wrote the main code) , Seaton Andy [ctb] (Andy Seaton constributed features to the sf support) , Suen Man Ho [ctb] (Man Ho Suen contributed features and code structure design for the integration methods) , Fabian E. Bachl [ctb] (Fabian Bachl co-developed precursors of fm_pixels and fm_split_lines in inlabru)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MPL-2.0 license

Imports dplyr, graphics, grDevices, lifecycle, Matrix, rlang, sf, stats, tibble, utils, withr, Rcpp

Depends on methods

Suggests geometry, ggplot2, knitr, testthat, terra, tidyterra, rgl, rmarkdown, sp, splancs, gsl

Linking to Rcpp

System requirements: C++17

Imported by FRK, GeoAdjust, PointedSDMs, clustTMB, disaggregation, excursions, intSDM, rSPDE, sdmTMB, stelfi, tinyVAST.

Depended on by INLAspacetime, inlabru.

Suggested by MetricGraph, SUMMER.

See at CRAN