Reference manual

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4.1.2 by Jean-Romain Roussel, 8 months ago

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Authors: Jean-Romain Roussel [aut, cre, cph] , David Auty [aut, ctb] (Reviews the documentation) , Florian De Boissieu [ctb] (Fixed bugs and improved catalog features) , Andrew Sánchez Meador [ctb] (Implemented wing2015() for segment_snags()) , Bourdon Jean-François [ctb] (Contributed to Roussel2020() for track_sensor()) , Gatziolis Demetrios [ctb] (Implemented Gatziolis2019() for track_sensor()) , Leon Steinmeier [ctb] (Contributed to parallelization management) , Stanislaw Adaszewski [cph] (Author of the C++ concaveman code) , Benoît St-Onge [cph] (Author of the 'chm_prep' function)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports classInt, data.table, glue, grDevices, lazyeval, Rcpp, rgl, rlas, sf, stats, stars, terra, tools, utils

Depends on methods

Suggests EBImage, future, geometry, gstat, raster, RCSF, RMCC, rjson, mapview, mapedit, progress, sp, testthat, knitr, rmarkdown

Linking to BH, Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

Imported by FORTLS, dsmSearch, leafR, lidaRtRee, rTLsDeep, rcaiman, rcontroll.

Suggested by lacunr, rayshader.

See at CRAN