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3.1-3 by John Fox, 6 months ago,,

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Authors: John Fox [aut, cre] , Sanford Weisberg [aut] , Brad Price [aut] , Daniel Adler [ctb] , Douglas Bates [ctb] , Gabriel Baud-Bovy [ctb] , Ben Bolker [ctb] , Steve Ellison [ctb] , David Firth [ctb] , Michael Friendly [ctb] , Gregor Gorjanc [ctb] , Spencer Graves [ctb] , Richard Heiberger [ctb] , Pavel Krivitsky [ctb] , Rafael Laboissiere [ctb] , Martin Maechler [ctb] , Georges Monette [ctb] , Duncan Murdoch [ctb] , Henric Nilsson [ctb] , Derek Ogle [ctb] , Brian Ripley [ctb] , Tom Short [ctb] , William Venables [ctb] , Steve Walker [ctb] , David Winsemius [ctb] , Achim Zeileis [ctb] , R-Core [ctb]

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GPL (>= 2) license

Imports abind, Formula, MASS, mgcv, nnet, pbkrtest, quantreg, grDevices, utils, stats, graphics, lme4, nlme, scales

Depends on carData

Suggests alr4, boot, coxme, effects, knitr, leaps, lmtest, Matrix, MatrixModels, ordinal, plotrix, mvtnorm, rgl, rio, sandwich, SparseM, survival, survey

Imported by AFR, AICcPermanova, ANOVAIREVA, ART, ARTool, AovBay, AutoScore, BayesfMRI, BetterReg, BiVariAn, BioPred, CMHNPA, Cluster.OBeu, ComBatFamQC, ConnectednessApproach, Countr, DEGRE, DIDmultiplegtDYN, DistatisR, ERSA, EasyDescribe, EcoMetrics, EffectLiteR, EstimateBreed, EvaluateCore, FSA, FactoMineR, HDANOVA, HanStat, LSDsensitivity, LipidomicsR, LongDat, MDMA, MDMR, MIIVsem, MPGE, MSclassifR, MTest, MVN, ModTools, MorphoTools2, MultBiplotR, My.stepwise, NHPoisson, NonlinearTSA, NormData, OPSR, OlinkAnalyze, PROreg, PointFore, ProtE, RCPA3, RESI, RVAideMemoire, RcmdrPlugin.NMBU, RcmdrPlugin.survival, RegAssure, SARP.compo, SemNeT, SignifReg, SimNPH, SimTimeVar, StroupGLMM, SynergyLMM, VIM, WAnova, aPCoA, adventr, afex, aggTrees, anacor, apaTables, apc, apt, ardl.nardl, bayesLife, bbw, blorr, boot.pval, candisc, clptheory, cna, colocPropTest, combat.enigma, cprobit, cv, drc, dynlm, dynr, eatRep, ecm, eda4treeR, envoutliers, epr, eventstudyr, ez, fingerPro, forestmangr, fxregime, gWQS, gcmr, glmmSeq, grafify, heplots, hrf, iClick, iNZightRegression, ibd, interactionR, its.analysis, ivreg, jmv, jstable, lambdaTS, ldamatch, lidaRtRee, lilikoi, lmviz, lulab.utils, matlib, medflex, miceafter, mixlm, mlrpro, mmibain, multiblock, multpois, mvdalab, nardl, ndi, nearfar, neatStats, nestedLogit, oldr, olsrr, oncoPredict, onewaytests, pcvr, piecewiseSEM, plsRglm, polimetrics, poliscidata, predictmeans, prettyglm, psfmi, pubh, pwr2ppl, quest, r2spss, rADA,, radiant.model, radiant.multivariate, randomForestVIP, rasclass, regtools, rosetta, rstatix, scan, scorecardModelUtils, sdamr, sdcMicro, seedreg, simr, skpr, spANOVA, spldv, ssMRCD, starry, statforbiology, stats4teaching, tern, tidySEM, tidycomm, tstests, twowaytests, volker, wqspt, zetadiv.

Depended on by AER, BayesianMediationA, DJL, Deducer, EdSurvey, GrimR, GroupComparisons, LPGraph, NitrogenUptake2016, Rcmdr, RcmdrMisc, SAEval, ScottKnottESD, alr4, bgmm, compindexR, dhglm, fitplc, genridge, gma, granova, hysteresis, itemanalysis, macc, micEconCES, mlma, mma, mmabig, mvinfluence, papeR, phia, quantification, quickregression, stepp, systemfit.

Suggested by BiodiversityR, Biostatistics, CAISEr, ChineseNames, DanielBiostatistics10th, Ecfun, GGMncv, GoodmanKruskal, Guerry, HEssRNA, HH, HLMdiag, HistData, JFE, Keng, KnowBR, LSAmitR, Lahman, Morpho, NADA2, PMCMRplus, Path.Analysis, R2MLwiN, REdaS, RRphylo, Rchoice, RcmdrPlugin.EZR, RcmdrPlugin.HH, RcmdrPlugin.UCA, Rmonize, SenSrivastava, SightabilityModel, Sleuth2, Sleuth3, TOSTER, TSS.RESTREND, VisCollin, WRS2, abd, adegraphics, agridat, alpaca, betareg, biomod2, biostat3, brainGraph, broom, bruceR, bumbl, carData, cardx, cloneRate, clustNet, codingMatrices, cogmapr, coreSim, ctqr, datana, dfrr, dispmod, dominanceanalysis, ecostats, effects, effectsize, embryogrowth, emmeans, estimatr, fastR2, fdm2id, ffmanova, fscaret, gamclass, geocmeans, geosimilarity, ggeffects, glmmTMB, gmm, gmnl, gtools, gtsummary, industRial, insight, labelr, lme4, lmtest, marginaleffects, matrixTests, meboot, melt, metafor, miceadds, mlogit, mmrm, modelsummary, momentuHMM, mpae, mthapower, multifunc, mvMORPH, nlraa, npsm, panelr, papaja, parameters, pder, pedometrics, performance, permutes, pglm, phenology, plm, pscl, rTPC, rYWAASB, rayshader, rddtools, rigr, rockchalk, rtables, rtables.officer, sageR, sand, sandwich, sjPlot, sjstats, skedastic, spant, starvz, strucchange, strucchangeRcpp, supernova, ufs, vcdExtra, xplain.

Enhanced by memisc.

See at CRAN