Reference manual

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1.30.0 by Bertrand Iooss, 3 months ago

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Authors: Bertrand Iooss , Sebastien Da Veiga , Alexandre Janon and Gilles Pujol , with contributions from Baptiste Broto , Khalid Boumhaout , Laura Clouvel , Thibault Delage , Reda El Amri , Jana Fruth , Laurent Gilquin , Joseph Guillaume , Margot Herin , Marouane Il Idrissi , Loic Le Gratiet , Paul Lemaitre , Amandine Marrel , Anouar Meynaoui , Barry L. Nelson , Filippo Monari , Roelof Oomen , Oldrich Rakovec , Bernardo Ramos , Paul Rochet , Olivier Roustant , Gabriel Sarazin , Eunhye Song , Jeremy Staum , Roman Sueur , Taieb Touati , Vanessa Verges , Frank Weber

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports boot, numbers, methods, ggplot2, Rcpp, foreach, dtwclust

Suggests condMVNorm, DiceDesign, DiceKriging, doParallel, evd, ggExtra, grid, gplots, gtools, igraph, IncDTW, ks, lattice, MASS, mc2d, mvtnorm, parallel, plotrix, pracma, proxy, randtoolbox, RANN, reshape2, rgl, stringr, triangle, TSP, viridisLite, whitening

Linking to Rcpp, RcppArmadillo

Imported by LSDsensitivity, multisensi, nlrx, rrepast.

Depended on by ODEsensitivity, fanovaGraph.

Suggested by BayesianTools, apsimx, r3PG, tidyfit.

See at CRAN