Reference manual

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3.8-4 by Duncan Murdoch, 10 months ago

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Authors: Jim Lemon , Ben Bolker , Sander Oom , Eduardo Klein , Barry Rowlingson , Hadley Wickham , Anupam Tyagi , Olivier Eterradossi , Gabor Grothendieck , Michael Toews , John Kane , Rolf Turner , Carl Witthoft , Julian Stander , Thomas Petzoldt , Remko Duursma , Elisa Biancotto , Ofir Levy , Christophe Dutang , Peter Solymos , Robby Engelmann , Michael Hecker , Felix Steinbeck , Hans Borchers , Henrik Singmann , Ted Toal , Derek Ogle , Darshan Baral , Ulrike Groemping , Bill Venables , The CRAN Team , Duncan Murdoch

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports grDevices, graphics, stats, utils

Imported by ABCanalysis, AHMbook, AcuityView, AnthropMMD, Apollonius, BHAI, BioVenn, BoSSA, CORElearn, CSHShydRology, DIDmultiplegt, FSA, GFD, GeoModels, GridOnClusters, HDSpatialScan, HTSCluster, InflectSSP, IsotopeR, KernSmoothIRT, LBSPR, LW1949, LinkageMapView, MANOVA.RM, MVQuickGraphs, MatrixCorrelation, NMADiagT, NPCirc, OptCirClust, Orcs, OrigamiPlot, PReMiuM, Patterns, QTE.RD, RAC, Rchoice, SherlockHolmes, TOmicsVis, TestAnaAPP, abtest, airGRteaching, aniSNA, asbio, bdvis, binovisualfields, biplotEZ, bpDir, circlesplot, cmR, cncaGUI, convoSPAT, cooltools, corto, cricketr, drc, dupiR, dwp, ei, fastLink, fragility, getspres, gmnl, gyro, haplotypes, hisse, magicaxis, marmap, mdsOpt, mobr, mstherm, multibiplotGUI, multiblock, mutoss, nnfor, oceanmap, pcds, phonR, plotSEMM, poliscidata, prepplot, qdap, recluster, regtomean, riskRegression, rjdqa, rminer, seasonalityPlot, shapeR, sharp, simr, skyscapeR, smacofx, smacpod, smallsets, streamDAG, stressaddition, surv2sampleComp, trajr, tsutils, tswge, viralx, viscomplexr, visualFields, wflo, wiqid, xmeta, yhat.

Depended on by Autoplotprotein, DIFtree, KnowBR, SeqFeatR, TBFmultinomial, TSVC, epade, interfr, lba, mutossGUI, optpart, plotmo, plotprotein, randomizeR, rasterImage, shuffleCI, simplexreg, smacof.

Suggested by Anthropometry, BCEA, Biostatistics, DataVisualizations, DatabionicSwarm, EcoIndR, LearnPCA, MSG, MultiBD, QurvE, RMark, RRphylo, SPEDInstabR, TrackReconstruction, archdata, colocPropTest, ecoregime, epimdr, epimdr2, gap, hyperSpec, hyperoverlap, pcutils, pdc, phytools, plsRbeta, qra, rgl, rmcorr, sensitivity, sonicscrewdriver, spreval, treePlotArea, vhica.

See at CRAN