Reference manual

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0.6.0 by Yidong Zhou, 24 days ago

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Authors: Yidong Zhou [cre, aut] , Han Chen [aut] , Su I Iao [aut] , Poorbita Kundu [aut] , Hang Zhou [aut] , Satarupa Bhattacharjee [aut] , Cody Carroll [aut] , Yaqing Chen [aut] , Xiongtao Dai [aut] , Jianing Fan [aut] , Alvaro Gajardo [aut] , Pantelis Z. Hadjipantelis [aut] , Kyunghee Han [aut] , Hao Ji [aut] , Changbo Zhu [aut] , Paromita Dubey [ctb] , Shu-Chin Lin [ctb] , Hans-Georg Müller [cph, ths, aut] , Jane-Ling Wang [cph, ths, aut]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_3_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports Rcpp, Hmisc, MASS, Matrix, pracma, numDeriv

Suggests plot3D, rgl, aplpack, mgcv, ks, gtools, knitr, rmarkdown, EMCluster, minqa, testthat

Linking to Rcpp, RcppEigen

Imported by KFPCA, MJMbamlss, SLFPCA, WRI, fdaPOIFD, fdaconcur, fdadensity, fdapaceShiny, fdarep, fgm, frechet, ftsa, longke, longsurr, mrct.

See at CRAN