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0.2.2 by Jochen Staudacher, 4 years ago
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Authors: Jochen Staudacher [aut, cre, cph] , Johannes Anwander [aut, cph] , Alexandra Tiukkel [aut, cph] , Michael Maerz [aut, cph] , Franz Mueller [aut, cph] , Daniel Gebele [aut, cph] , Anna Merkle [aut, cph] , Fatma Tokay [aut, cph] , Kuebra Tokay [aut, cph] , Nicole Cyl [aut, cph]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-2 license
Imports gtools, methods
Depends on utils, geometry, rcdd
Suggests testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, rgl
Imported by GTbasedIM.
See at CRAN