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2.12.1 by Klaus Schliep, 6 months ago,
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Authors: Klaus Schliep [aut, cre] , Emmanuel Paradis [aut] , Leonardo de Oliveira Martins [aut] , Alastair Potts [aut] , Iris Bardel-Kahr [aut] , Tim W. White [ctb] , Cyrill Stachniss [ctb] , Michelle Kendall [ctb] , Keren Halabi [ctb] , Richel Bilderbeek [ctb] , Kristin Winchell [ctb] , Liam Revell [ctb] , Mike Gilchrist [ctb] , Jeremy Beaulieu [ctb] , Brian O'Meara [ctb] , Long Qu [ctb] , Joseph Brown [ctb] , Santiago Claramunt [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL (>= 2) license
Imports digest, fastmatch, generics, graphics, grDevices, igraph, Matrix, methods, parallel, quadprog, Rcpp, stats, utils
Depends on ape
Suggests apex, Biostrings, ggseqlogo, ggplot2, knitr, magick, rgl, rmarkdown, seqinr, testthat, tinytest, vdiffr, xtable
Linking to Rcpp
Imported by BSS, BoSSA, DCLEAR, EnvNJ, LDM, MonoPhy, OUwie, POMS, RPANDA, STraTUS, SeqFeatR, TML, babette, beastier, bioregion, coalescentMCMC, corHMM, dispRity, dowser, genBaRcode, haplotypes, hisse, immunarch, indelmiss, ips, markophylo, microbial, nodeSub, orthGS, paleotree, pcmabc, phyloregion, phytools, ppgm, rapidphylo, recluster, rwty, scistreer, sketching, taxize, treespace.
Depended on by MSCquartets, apex, windex.
Suggested by AntibodyForests, CongreveLamsdell2016, MiscMetabar, Platypus, Quartet, RRphylo, RevGadgets, TreeDist, TreeSearch, TreeTools, ape, gromovlab, mcbette, shipunov, tracerer.
Enhanced by dendextend.
See at CRAN