Reference manual

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5.2.1 by Jeroen Ooms, 5 months ago

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Authors: Jeroen Ooms [aut, cre] , Hadley Wickham [ctb] , RStudio [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Suggests spelling, testthat, knitr, jsonlite, later, rmarkdown, httpuv, webutils

System requirements: libcurl: libcurl-devel (rpm) or libcurl4-openssl-dev (deb).

Imported by AMAPVox, APCalign, ARPALData, AnnoProbe, AssetAllocation, AzureCosmosR, AzureGraph, BFS, BatchGetSymbols, CDCPLACES, CRANsearcher, DataSpaceR, EDIutils, EEAaq, EWSmethods, FedData, FjordLight, GIFT, GSODR, GetBCBData, GetDFPData, GetLattesData, GetTDData, InterVA5, IsoMemo, KoboconnectR, LAGOSNE, MassWateR, Microsoft365R, NFCP, NLPclient, OAIHarvester, OpenML, Pandora, PortalHacienda, RCzechia, REDCapExporter, RInno, RKorAPClient, RPublica, RPushbullet, Ravages, Rpadrino, Rrdap, SMMT, SWMPrExtension, SchoolDataIT, SticsRFiles, TTR, TwitterAutomatedTrading, UniprotR, V8, VicmapR, W3CMarkupValidator, addinslist, alarmdata, algaeClassify, allcontributors, ami, anyLib, anyflights, aopdata, arcgisgeocode, asciicast, ausplotsR, autoEnsemble, avidaR, aws.ec2metadata, aws.s3, baf, baizer, bambooHR, basemaps, basifoR, bigrquery, biocompute, biomartr, biometryassist, bitmexr, blastula, bndesr, bulkreadr, captr, cartography, cder, ceramic, chemodiv, chromote, cimir, ciw, clarifai, clidatajp, cloudstoR, coinmarketcapr, completejourney, conflr, contentid,, covid19br, covid19us, credentials, crul, crunch, cryptoQuotes, ctrdata, cwbtools, cyclestreets, czechrates, czso, dadjokeapi, dataRetrieval, datelife, deeptime, ebvcube, ecb, ecce, ech, echor, ecmwfr, eiopaR, elastic, electionsBR, elevatr, emayili, enrichR, eph, epitweetr, eurlex, eurostat, evolMap, excluder, exifr, exiftoolr, federalregister, felp, feltr, finreportr, fishualize, flashr, foghorn, gasper, gbfs, gdtools, geneHummus, geniusr, geoAr, geobr, geofi, geoperu, geouy, gie, gimms, gitgadget, githubinstall, gitignore, googleCloudRunner, googleCloudStorageR, googlesheets4, googleway, gpg, gptstudio, gptzeror, gridtext, gtfstools, gtrendsR, h2otools, heapsofpapers, helsinki, hereR, hfhub, hlidacr, hsrecombi, httptest, httr, httr2, hyd1d, ihpdr,, ipeadatar, ispdata, jgsbook, jsonld, khisr, languagelayeR, legislatoR, libbib, lifeR, lifx, mRpostman, magick, mapboxapi, mapping, mapscanner, maptiles, meteospain, misuvi, mlim, mlr3oml, modisfast, natmanager, neonOS, neonUtilities, nfl4th, nflfastR, nflreadr, ngramr, nhdR, njgeo, njtr1, npi, nser, ntdr, nzffdr, occCite, ocs4R, opencpu, opendatatoronto, opentripplanner, osmapiR, osmdata, osrm, ottrpal, owidR, packageRank, pacs, pafdR, pageviews, palaeoverse, paleobioDB, panstarrs, parquetize, pastclim, paws.common, pdfetch, pedquant, peermodels, pestr, pivotaltrackR, pkgcache, pkgdepends, pkgfilecache, pkggraph, pkgsearch, planscorer, plumbertableau, pmetar, pmparser, postdoc, protti, psychmeta, ptm, puremoe, pxweb, pyMTurkR, qpdf, quantmod, r.proxy, r311, r4googleads, rATTAINS,, radous, ralger, random, randquotes, rcites, rcmdcheck, rdbnomics, rdfp, rdian, rdomains, rdryad, rdtLite, ready4, receptiviti, remmy, request, resmush, restez, rgho, rglobi, rgoogleclassroom, rhub, ricu, rinat, rio, rirods, riskmetric, rivnet, rnbp, rnpn, rnrfa, robis, rosm, rotl, rpaleoclim, rphylopic, rqti, rsat, rsconnect, rsocialwatcher, rsoi, rsurveycto, rtika, rtoot, rtry, rtsdata, rtweet, rversions, s3fs, salesforcer, sbtools, secret, seeker, selenider, sevenbridges2, shapley, sharpshootR, shinyloadtest, shopifyr, socialmixr, soilDB, sotkanet, statcanR, statnipokladna, statswalesr, stevedore, stplanr, susographql, taxizedb, taxonomizr, telegram,, tesseract, threesixtygiving, thunder, tidyquant, tinyscholar, tinytiger, trelloR, uklr, updateme, urlchecker, usethis, vegdata, virtuoso, vmr, waffle, washex, wdpar, weatherOz, webdriver, webmockr, webutils, wikitaxa, worldfootballR, xmlrpc2, yahoofinancer, zendown, zenstats, zipcodeR.

Depended on by CytobankAPI, GoogleKnowledgeGraphR, RapidoPGS, openaistream.

Suggested by AMR, BIOMASS, BayesianReasoning, BiocManager, CEOdata, DescriptiveStats.OBeu, DiagrammeR, FeatureExtraction, RAMClustR, RMySQL, RestRserve, WDI, adformR, amazonadsR, amazons3R, amazonspR, appleadsR, appler, appsflyeR, argoFloats, arrow, atrrr, attempt, awinR, baseballr, bayestestR, bingadsR, bslib, campaignmanageR, childesr, chronosphere, cometr, commonmark, cookiemonster, countries, covr, cowsay, csquares, datawizard, devtools, diseasystore, disprose, drake, duckdbfs, duckplyr, dwctaxon, earthdatalogin, ecochange, epiflows, epwshiftr, facebookadsR, facebookleadsR, facebookorganicR, fastRhockey, fastai, fauxpas, fbar, fetchGoogleAnalyticsR, fetchSalesforceR, ffscrapr, fitzRoy, forceplate, freesurferformats, geysertimes, gmailr, gms, googleadsR, googledrive, gratia, grattan, gutenbergr, h2o, heumilkr, hoopR, httptest2, httpuv, insight, instagramadsR, installr, irg, isoWater, leaflet.extras2, learnr, link2GI, linkedInadsR, mailchimpR, maketools, mapSpain, mauricer, mcboost, meltr, minioclient, mockthat, move2, mpathsenser, neonstore, oddsapiR, onsr, openssl, openxlsx, pak, paleotree, pct, pepr, pinterestadsR, plotly, polmineR, processx, projmgr, protolite, ps, quarto, quoradsR, readr, rechaRge, redditadsR, remotes, rgugik, rsi, rxode2, sass, see, sendmailR, shinyInvoice, shopifyadsR, showtext, showtextdb, snapchatadsR, snvecR, sportyR, stats19, stoRy, susieR, svHttp, sysfonts, taboolaR, tarchetypes, targets, testthat, tgver, thematic, tiktokadsR, tiledb, twitteradsR, valr, varbvs, vcr, vegperiod, vetiver, vroom, webfakes, wehoop, windsoraiR, winfapReader, xfun, xml2.

See at CRAN