Reference manual

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0.2.5 by Mark Padgham, a year ago (website) (devel)

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Authors: Mark Padgham [aut, cre] , Bob Rudis [aut] , Robin Lovelace [aut] , Maƫlle Salmon [aut] , Joan Maspons [aut] , Andrew Smith [ctb] , James Smith [ctb] , Andrea Gilardi [ctb] , Enrico Spinielli [ctb] , Anthony North [ctb] , Martin Machyna [ctb] , Marcin Kalicinski [ctb, cph] (Author of included RapidXML code) , Eli Pousson [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports curl, httr2, lubridate, magrittr, methods, Rcpp, reproj, rvest, tibble, utils, xml2

Suggests httptest2, jsonlite, knitr, markdown, raster, rmarkdown, sf, sp, testthat

Linking to Rcpp

Imported by cartographr, dodgr, populR, streetscape.

Depended on by cft.

Suggested by MetricGraph, mapscanner, ohsome, rayshader, stats19, tmap, tmaptools.

See at CRAN