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0.51 by Yihui Xie, a month ago
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Authors: Yihui Xie [aut, cre, cph] , , Wush Wu [ctb] , Daijiang Li [ctb] , Xianying Tan [ctb] , Salim Brüggemann [ctb] , Christophe Dervieux [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports grDevices, stats, tools
Suggests testit, parallel, codetools, methods, rstudioapi, tinytex, mime, litedown, commonmark, knitr, remotes, pak, rhub, renv, curl, xml2, jsonlite, magick, yaml, qs, rmarkdown
Imported by HLAtools, MDMAPR, NMsim, Rd2roxygen, SASmarkdown, Statamarkdown, annotator, blogdown, bookdown, box.linters, daiquiri, details, distill, emayili, fabR, ftExtra, gitignore, highr, htmlreportR, juicedown, knitr, knitrdata, leaflet, link2GI, litedown, markdown, mathml, minidown, pagedown, personalr, pmxcode, qwraps2, ratlas, rcompendium, rebib, rjtools, rmarkdown, rtemps, rticles, scientific, sendigR, servr, shinyMixR, texor, tinytex, tufte, uavRmp, vitae, voiceR, worcs, xaringan.
Suggested by BRcal, FGLMtrunc, MPSEM, RWsearch, accessr, campsis, campsismod, curephEM, ddtlcm, exams2forms, glmnet, graphicalMCP, hdcate, islasso, leaflet.extras, leaflet.extras2, mfp2, mimsy, multiview, pMEM, pathwayTMB, plasso, polished, public.ctn0094data, quarto, shinymeta, socialranking, tinytable, webexercises.
See at CRAN