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4.0.0 by Leo Lahti, a year ago,
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Authors: Leo Lahti [aut, cre] , Janne Huovari [aut] , Markus Kainu [aut] , Przemyslaw Biecek [aut] , Daniel Antal [ctb] , Diego Hernangomez [ctb] , Joona Lehtomaki [ctb] , Francois Briatte [ctb] , Reto Stauffer [ctb] , Paul Rougieux [ctb] , Anna Vasylytsya [ctb] , Oliver Reiter [ctb] , Pyry Kantanen [ctb] , Enrico Spinielli [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE license
Imports classInt, countrycode, curl, digest, dplyr, httr2, ISOweek, jsonlite, lubridate, rappdirs, readr, RefManageR, regions, rlang, stringi, stringr, tibble, tidyr, xml2, data.table
Suggests giscoR, knitr, rmarkdown, sf, testthat
Imported by ARPALData, convergEU, iotables, qPRAentry.
Suggested by countrycode, flagr, giscoR, nuts, potential, regions.
See at CRAN