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4.2.8 by Jan Marvin Garbuszus, a month ago,
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Authors: Philipp Schauberger [aut] , Alexander Walker [aut] , Luca Braglia [ctb] , Joshua Sturm [ctb] , Jan Marvin Garbuszus [ctb, cre] , Jordan Mark Barbone [ctb] , David Zimmermann [ctb] , Reinhold Kainhofer [ctb]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports grDevices, methods, Rcpp, stats, stringi, utils, zip
Suggests curl,, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat
Linking to Rcpp
Imported by BayesianFitForecast, BeeBDC, BiostatsUHNplus, BrazilCrime, CDSS, CLME, COINr, CUFF, CoTiMA, CohortPlat, ComBatFamQC, D4TAlink.light, DIDmultiplegtDYN, GRShiny, GWASinspector, HadamardR, Holomics, IDEATools, JDCruncheR, KHQ, KLINK, LLSR, LifeInsureR, MFO, MHCtools, MLMOI, MainExistingDatasets, MetAlyzer, NormData, OHCSpackage, ORFID, OenoKPM, One4All, OpenRepGrid, OpenRepGrid.ic, OralOpioids, ProtE, QTL.gCIMapping, QTL.gCIMapping.GUI, R.AlphA.Home, RALSA, REDCapDM, RGAP, RJafroc, Rtrack, SEERaBomb, SNPannotator, Spectran, TestAnaAPP, TestGenerator, act, aelab, aftables,, anabel, aoristic, aquodom, augmentedRCBD, autoGO, baizer, bibliometrix, blrm, bulkreadr, bursa, cats, compareDF, condformat, conmet, dQTG.seq, datadictionary, dataframeexplorer, defineR, deident, do, eCerto, easysurv, editData, emdi, epitweetr, espadon, export, exvatools, fasstr, genekitr, gerbil, gmoTree, htrSPRanalysis, idcnrba, ie2misc, immcp, interca, isoorbi, ispdata, istat, izmir, joinXL, jstager, kmeRtone, knitxl, kutils, lares, lessR, libr, lulab.utils, macrocol, mbX, miRetrieve, mimsy, mpindex, netknitr, odk, oreo, povmap, presenter, psidR, pxmake, qdap, qualitycontrol, quicR, rADA, repana, reproducer, saeTrafo, samr, sccca, scorecard, sdtmchecks, seasonalview, sherlock, shinypivottabler, sistec, survout, tablespan, tablexlsx, tall, tatoo, tidyplate, tigerhitteR, umx, upstartr, varitas, whSample, zoomGroupStats.
Depended on by AntibodyTiters, BayesBP, EpiSimR, MacBehaviour, coefa, tablaxlsx, uscoauditlog, word.alignment, xlsx2dfs.
Suggested by BoneProfileR, EDCimport, Ecfun, HiResTEC, JFE, Lifertable, MSEtool, NMOF, RaMS, SARP.moodle, TimeVizPro, basictabler, beezdemand, behaviorchange, blastula, bruceR, cSEM, cdid, crosstable, ecotox, emphatic, epiCleanr, exams, expss, extractox, gtsummary, haploR, huxtable, memapp, modelsummary, mpath, mpower, netCoin, parameters, params, periscope, periscope2, pivottabler, preregr, psyverse, rbiom, readapra, rfars, rock, sequoia, sim.BA, sits, tabxplor, testdat, tidyxl, timeseriesdb, toxEval, tpfp, tstools.
See at CRAN