Reference manual

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2.7.0 by Jeffrey A. Dahlke, a month ago

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Authors: Jeffrey A. Dahlke [aut, cre] , Brenton M. Wiernik [aut] , Wesley Gardiner [ctb] (Unit tests) , Michael T. Brannick [ctb] (Testing) , Jack Kostal [ctb] (Code for reshape_mat2dat function) , Sean Potter [ctb] (Testing; Code for cumulative and leave1out plots) , John Sakaluk [ctb] (Code for funnel and forest plots) , Yuejia (Mandy) Teng [ctb] (Testing)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports stats, boot, metafor, ggplot2, progress, curl, dplyr, tibble, tidyr, rlang, purrr

Suggests MASS, mvtnorm, nor1mix, bib2df, rmarkdown, knitr, stringi, cli, crayon, testthat

See at CRAN