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1.3.3 by Till Tietz, a month ago
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Authors: Clara Bicalho [ctb] , Jasper Cooper [ctb] , Macartan Humphreys [aut] , Till Tietz [aut, cre] , Alan Jacobs [aut] , Merlin Heidemanns [ctb] , Lily Medina [aut] , Julio Solis [ctb] , Georgiy Syunyaev [aut]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports dplyr, dirmult, stats, rlang, rstan, rstantools, stringr, latex2exp, knitr, ggplot2, lifecycle, ggraph, Rcpp
Depends on methods
Suggests testthat, rmarkdown, DeclareDesign, fabricatr, estimatr, bayesplot, covr, curl
Linking to Rcpp, BH, RcppArmadillo, RcppEigen, rstan, StanHeaders
System requirements: GNU make
Suggested by rdss.
See at CRAN