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0.10.0 by Zachary Foster, 23 days ago (website), (devel), (user manual)
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Authors: Scott Chamberlain [aut] , Eduard Szoecs [aut] , Zachary Foster [aut, cre] , Zebulun Arendsee [aut] , Carl Boettiger [ctb] , Karthik Ram [ctb] , Ignasi Bartomeus [ctb] , John Baumgartner [ctb] , James O'Donnell [ctb] , Jari Oksanen [ctb] , Bastian Greshake Tzovaras [ctb] , Philippe Marchand [ctb] , Vinh Tran [ctb] , Maƫlle Salmon [ctb] , Gaopeng Li [ctb] , Matthias GreniƩ [ctb] , rOpenSci [fnd]
Documentation: PDF Manual
MIT + file LICENSE license
Imports graphics, methods, stats, utils, crul, xml2, jsonlite, ape, zoo, data.table, tibble, rredlist, rotl, ritis, worrms, natserv, wikitaxa, R6, crayon, cli, phangorn, lifecycle, curl, stringi
Suggests testthat, vegan, vcr
Imported by metacoder.
Suggested by LocaTT, MonoPhy, camtrapR, ecocomDP, gtools, spocc.
See at CRAN