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1.1.3 by Claus O. Wilke, a year ago

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Authors: Claus O. Wilke [aut, cre]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-2 license

Imports ggplot2, grid, gtable, grDevices, methods, rlang, scales

Suggests Cairo, covr, dplyr, forcats, gridGraphics, knitr, lattice, magick, maps, PASWR, patchwork, rmarkdown, ragg, testthat, tidyr, vdiffr, VennDiagram

Imported by APIS, ASRgenomics, AgroR, BeeBDC, BeeGUTS, BiostatsUHNplus, CIMTx, CRMetrics, CaseBasedReasoning, CausCor, CausalGPS, CleaningValidation, ClinicalUtilityRecal, ClusTorus, CoSMoS, CooccurrenceAffinity, CovidMutations, Coxmos, DIDmultiplegtDYN, DR.SC, EQUALSTATS, EQUALrepeat, ESTER, EVI, EVchargcost, EcoEnsemble, EpiForsk, FitUltD, GGoutlieR, GLMMcosinor, GPCERF, GeneSelectR, GenoTriplo, HetSeq, HuraultMisc, ITNr, InteRD, KMunicate, LAD, LightLogR, LipidomicsR, MultRegCMP, MultiGroupO, PRECAST, PhenotypeSimulator, Platypus, RNAseqQC, RavenR, SCIntRuler, SeedMatchR, Seurat, SpatialRDD, Spectran, StepReg, SynergyLMM, TITAN2, TOSTER, TailClassifier, TcGSA, TestAnaAPP, ThermalSampleR, TooManyCellsR, TreeDiagram, ViSe, Virusparies, VisitorCounts, WormTensor, andurinha, anomaly, autohrf, bartMan, bayefdr, bayes4psy, bigstatsr, biogrowth, biometryassist, bp, braidReports, bridger, carbonr, causact, cdcatR, cellpypes, chooseGCM, colorBlindness, conos, conserveR, cosinor2, crops, cylcop, cytometree, dabestr, daiquiri, diceplot, didec, disaggregation, dittoViz, doBy, ecode, epos, ethnobotanyR, evprof, expowo, fairadapt, fastTopics, fcfdr, fkbma, flashlight, fmeffects, foodingraph, foreSIGHT, funkyheatmap, gWQS,, ggResidpanel, ggScatRidges, gggap, ggpca, ggpubr, ggrcs, ggstackplot, gompertztrunc, grandR, harmony, healthyR, healthyR.ts, iClusterVB, iai, ideanet, idiffomix, imprinting, inTextSummaryTable, knfi, locuszoomr, longreadvqs, lvmisc, mbRes, memery, memoria, metacoder, metapower, microplot, mlergm, mlts, moderate.mediation, multilevelTools, neutralitytestr, nortsTest, oolong, opitools, pam, parafac4microbiome, pathviewr, patientProfilesVis, phylepic, plinkQC, plotthis, promethee123, qad, qmd, qsort, reportRmd, riAFTBART, ridigbio, rliger, sampbias, scCustomize, scatr, sgraph, sherlock, sigminer, simaerep, sleepwalk, smplot2, snplinkage, spatgeom, specr, spiro, ssMousetrack, stgam, stppSim, survivalAnalysis, tagtools, talkr, teal.modules.clinical, telefit, tern, tern.mmrm, text, timbeR, transPlotR, tsdataleaks, tsnet, umx, vDiveR, vici, virtualPollen, worrrd, wqspt.

Depended on by LipinskiFilters, bSi, huito.

Suggested by APackOfTheClones, AcceptReject, BCClong, CAESAR.Suite, CIDER, DSSP, IPV, MLVSBM, MOCHA, MetricGraph, MultiATSM, MultiscaleDTM, PCMBase, PKNCA, PaRe, PieGlyph, PointedSDMs, RaJIVE, SCIBER, SuperCell, UCSCXenaShiny, UnalR, WASP, adjustedCurves, afex, arcpullr, bdc, biscale, blockCV, bmm, bmstdr, bruceR, clustTMB, cmcR, counterfactuals, covidmx, dataquieR, dawaR, deconvolveR, denvax, designit, distributions3, dsb, ebnm, ec50estimator, epifitter, evolqg, explainer, fMRIscrub, fastglmpca, faux, findSVI, flashier, gap, gdverse, genekitr, geosimilarity, getspanel, ggOceanMaps, ggbreak, ggpie, ggplotify, ggtext, ghibli, grainscape, gscramble, hdflex, himach, httk, hubEnsembles, ibawds, incidence, interactions, inti, invivoPKfit, isotracer, limorhyde2, meme, mets, mlr, mmb, multifear, multiverse, nn2poly, nphRCT, opticskxi, pRecipe, pcr, phateR, phylosamp, pkgndep, poppr, portalr, primer, psycModel, ratlas, registr, ricu, rmacrostrat, runstats, scITD, schtools, sicegar, singleCellHaystack, sjPlot, slendr, spiralize, stabm, susieR, tabxplor, tidybayes, tinyarray, tmod, tvthemes, valr, vimp.

See at CRAN