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0.1.0 by W. Jake Thompson, 5 months ago,
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Authors: W. Jake Thompson [aut, cre] , Noelle Pablo [aut] , Jeffrey Hoover [aut] , University of Kansas [cph, fnd]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports bookdown, colorspace, dplyr, extrafont, fs, ggplot2, ggtext, glue, grDevices, hrbrthemes, knitr, magrittr, officedown, purrr, rlang, scales, stringr, tibble, tidyr, xaringan, xfun
Suggests covr, cowplot, dichromat, english, here, kableExtra, lintr, magick, pkgdown, rmarkdown, spelling, testthat, tinytex, usethis, vdiffr, viridis, withr
See at CRAN