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1.2.0 by David McInerney, a year ago
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Authors: Bree Bennett [aut] , Sam Culley [aut] , Anjana Devanand [aut] , David McInerney [aut, cre] , Seth Westra [aut] , Danlu Guo [ctb] , Holger Maier [ths]
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports ggplot2, directlabels, cowplot, stats, graphics, grDevices, utils, moments, jsonlite, progress, rcorpora, scales, viridisLite, fields, rlang, lattice, mvtnorm, Matrix, SoilHyP, cmaes, dfoptim, RGN
Depends on GA
Suggests knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, evd
Linking to Rcpp
See at CRAN