Reference manual

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1.0.0 by Hadley Wickham, 2 years ago,

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Authors: Hadley Wickham [aut, cre] , RStudio [cph, fnd]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports cli, glue, lifecycle, magrittr, rlang, tibble

Suggests covr, dplyr, ggplot2, knitr, readr, rmarkdown, testthat, withr

Imported by BREADR, BeeBDC, BiostatsUHNplus, CAST, CGPfunctions, CMMs, CoNI, CohortPlat, ConfidenceEllipse, DCPO, DImodelsVis, DescrTab2, EDCimport, ENMTools, EpiForsk, FMAT, FRI, IRexamples, MALDIcellassay, MCOE, NMTox, NeuroDecodeR, OBL, OlinkAnalyze, OlympicRshiny, OutliersO3, PEIMAN2, PERK, PieGlyph, RCT, REDCapDM, RSDA, SEERaBomb, SIAmodules, SWTools, SafeVote, ShapleyOutlier, TextForecast, Tplyr, UCSCXenaShiny, UnalR, UpAndDownPlots, activAnalyzer, adepro, adestr, adventr, aplotExtra, apyramid, autoMrP, bibliometrix, bonsaiforest, brinton, broom.mixed, bupaR, burnr, calendR, calendRio, cats, causact, ccostr, cheese, chevron, clustringr, cocktailApp, codebook, correlationfunnel, cpsvote, crosstable, dados, datos, describedata, descstat, dfoliatR, dunlin, eHDPrep, easyalluvial, echoice2, elaborator, epe4md, epikit, evalITR, explore, ezplot, fcaR, fdacluster, fedmatch, ffp, finalfit, flowmapper, forestecology, framecleaner, fude, funneljoin, gapclosing, gdverse, gemtc, genogeographer, ggVennDiagram, ggblanket, ggdag, ggfacto, ggplate, ggquickeda, ggseqplot, ggstats, ggstream, glmmfields, globaltrends, gtreg, haven,, healthyR.ts, htrSPRanalysis, iNZightTS, iNZightTools, injurytools, interfacer, iotables, iraceplot, janus, jmastats, kayadata, labNorm, lactater, lmeresampler, madshapR, markovmix, matchmaker, mbRes, metabolic, metaconfoundr, miRetrieve, migest, mlfit, modeltime, modeltime.resample, mpwR, mshap, multinma, naniar, nevada, noaastormevents, npcs, openairmaps, opitools, palaeoSig, parcats, partition, phylepic, play, pollster, prcr, prettyglm, processmapR, processpredictR, protti, psmineR, r4ss, safetyCharts, sampbias, sampcompR, saros, saros.base, scCustomize, scipub, sense, sfcr, sherlock, simaerep, simlandr, simplanonym, simplecolors, sitar, smdi, snap, snpAIMeR,, stevemisc, suddengains, survParamSim, survivalAnalysis, tabxplor, teal.modules.general, tern, testcorr, tfrmt, tfrmtbuilder, tidyAML, tidycat, tidycomm, tidync, tidyrates, tidysynth, tidytidbits, tidytlg, tidyverse, timetk, twoxtwo, umiAnalyzer, unheadr, unpivotr, visdat, vvshiny, wcde, weed, wrappedtools, xadmix.

Suggested by BaseSet, DSjobtracker, DisImpact, NHSRdatasets, PPtreeregViz, RobinCar, SCpubr, allofus, alone, atrrr, autostats, bench, broom.helpers, bruceR, bsitar, cat2cat, catfun, cfr, constructive, cowplot, csdata, datplot, densityarea, dm, domir, eph, explainer, exuber, ferrn, finalsize, forwards, genekitr, ggResidpanel, ggfoundry, ggridges, graphicalMCP, gratia, httk, iNZightPlots, industRial, ipeaplot, isoorbi, jlmerclusterperm, konfound, lay, learningtower, lvmisc, mikropml, mtsta, multifunc, multiverse, naryn, nzelect, ohenery, openintro, outcomerate, pdxTrees, pixarfilms, plotly, plotor, profiplots, projects, public.ctn0094data, questionr, rTPC, rar, raw, robber, robustmatrix, simdata, simstandard, slendr, sparseMVN, statquotes, summarytools, survivoR, sweep, teal.modules.clinical, tidyEmoji, tidyHeatmap, tidybayes, tidyjson, tidylog, tidypaleo, tidyquant, tntpr, treeheatr, unusualprofile, vroom, washi, whippr.

See at CRAN