Reference manual

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2.19.2 by Martin Binder, 9 months ago,

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Authors: Bernd Bischl [aut] , Michel Lang [aut] , Lars Kotthoff [aut] , Patrick Schratz [aut] , Julia Schiffner [aut] , Jakob Richter [aut] , Zachary Jones [aut] , Giuseppe Casalicchio [aut] , Mason Gallo [aut] , Jakob Bossek [ctb] , Erich Studerus [ctb] , Leonard Judt [ctb] , Tobias Kuehn [ctb] , Pascal Kerschke [ctb] , Florian Fendt [ctb] , Philipp Probst [ctb] , Xudong Sun [ctb] , Janek Thomas [ctb] , Bruno Vieira [ctb] , Laura Beggel [ctb] , Quay Au [ctb] , Martin Binder [aut, cre] , Florian Pfisterer [ctb] , Stefan Coors [ctb] , Steve Bronder [ctb] , Alexander Engelhardt [ctb] , Christoph Molnar [ctb] , Annette Spooner [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

BSD_2_clause + file LICENSE license

Imports backports, BBmisc, checkmate, data.table, ggplot2, methods, parallelMap, stats, stringi, survival, utils, XML

Depends on ParamHelpers

Suggests ada, adabag, batchtools, bit64, brnn, bst, C50, care, caret, class, clue, cluster, ClusterR, clusterSim, cmaes, cowplot, crs, Cubist, deepnet, DiceKriging, e1071, earth, elasticnet, emoa, evtree, fda.usc, FDboost, FNN, forecast, fpc, frbs, FSelector, FSelectorRcpp, gbm, GenSA, ggpubr, glmnet, GPfit, h2o, Hmisc, irace, kernlab, kknn, klaR, knitr, laGP, LiblineaR, lintr, MASS, mboost, mco, mda, memoise, mlbench, mldr, mlrMBO, modeltools, mRMRe, neuralnet, nnet, numDeriv, pamr, pander, party, pec, penalized, pls, PMCMRplus, praznik, randomForest, ranger, rappdirs, refund, rex, rFerns, rgenoud, rmarkdown, Rmpi, ROCR, rotationForest, rpart, RRF, rsm, RSNNS, rucrdtw, RWeka, sda, sf, smoof, sparseLDA, stepPlr, survAUC, svglite, testthat, tgp,, tidyr, tsfeatures, vdiffr, wavelets, xgboost

System requirements: gdal (optional), geos (optional), proj (optional), udunits (optional), gsl (optional), gmp (optional), glu (optional), jags (optional), mpfr (optional), openmpi (optional)

Imported by EFAfactors, FactorHet, RobustPrediction, aslib, flacco, ipfr, latentFactoR, live, nsga3, roseRF, seqimpute, tramnet, tuneRanger.

Depended on by OOBCurve, RBPcurve, llama, mlrCPO, mlrMBO.

Suggested by ChemoSpec2D, DALEXtra, OpenML, bnclassify, condvis2, counterfactuals, ecr, iml, lime, mlrintermbo, plotmo, r2pmml, vivid.

Enhanced by vip.

See at CRAN