Reference manual

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0.16.0 by Kevin Ushey, a month ago,

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Authors: Kevin Ushey [aut, cre] , JJ Allaire [aut] , Hadley Wickham [aut] , Gary Ritchie [aut] , RStudio [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Suggests testthat, knitr, rmarkdown, clipr, covr

Imported by ARTofR, BED, BETS, DataEditR, DescTools, DescToolsAddIns, DiagrammeR, GUIProfiler, JSconsole, MarginalMediation, MetaAnalyser, MultivariateAnalysis, OnboardClient, PSPManalysis, RAC, RALSA, RSP, ReDaMoR, RepoGenerator, Revticulate, SDMtune, SIPDIBGE, SPARTAAS, SemNetCleaner, ShinyItemAnalysis, SticsRFiles, TeXCheckR, TheOpenAIR, Tmisc, ViewPipeSteps, abjutils, aceEditor, addinsJoaoMelo, addinsOutline, ami, annotater, appeears, argonR, asciiSetupReader, azuremlsdk, baRcodeR, birdscanR, bruceR, buildr, cabinets, causact, censo2017, chatAI4R, chatgpt, chattr, cheatsheet, checker, cloudml, conflr, convertr, correlationfunnel, cppcheckR, crunchy, currr, cwbtools, datacleanr, datapasta, deBif, debugr, deepRstudio, desk, dipsaus, distill, diveR, do, document, dplyrAssist, dsims, echarts4r, editData, emuR, envstat, esquisse, exampletestr, executablePackeR, felp, fgeo, fidelius, fitbitViz, fitur, flow, fpp2, fpp3, framecleaner, fresh, galigor, gert, getPass, ggThemeAssist, ggedit, ggplotAssist, gimmeTools, gitgadget, gm, gptstudio, grateful, guildai, gyro, healthyverse, hippie, htmlTable, iSTATS, idcnrba, iheiddown, interpretCI, itol.toolkit, job, jsTreeR, jshintr, jsmodule, jsonNormalize, kableExtra, kerastuneR, kntnr, latentFactoR, liftr, linguisticsdown, logrx, mailmerge, mappoly, matahari, mathpix, mglasso, misty, mmstat4, monaco, mstrio, multiverse, namer, neo4r, neptune, nflverse, nlrx, nolock, nzilbb.labbcat, oceanexplorer, organizr, origin, packer, paletteer, pasteAsComment, perplexR, personalr, pfr, phdcocktail, pipefittr, postcards, praatpicture, prettifyAddins, projects, pylintR, pysparklyr, qiitr, quarto, questionr, quickcode, r2d3, r2dictionary, r6methods, rTorch,, rcompendium, remedy, repana, reportfactory, reprex, rfishbase, rgee, rhino, rmdwc, robustbetareg, ropenblas, rpymat, rqti, rsconnect, rskey, rstudio.prefs, saros, script, seecolor, sherlock, shiny.i18n, shinyobjects, shinyrecipes, shinytest, simhelpers, simrel, sinew, sjSDM, sketch, snahelper, spAddins, sparklyr, starter, stepp, svDialogs, symbol.equation.gpt, tensorflow, texPreview, tfaddons, tfhub, tfruns, thematic, tidydatatutor, tidymodels, tidytlg, tidytuesdayR, tidyverse, tntpr, todor, togglr, tutorial.helpers, twenty48, usethis, varsExplore, vectorsurvR, vtable, webexercises, weird, whereami, workflowr, worldfootballR, xpectr, ymlthis, ztable.

Depended on by docknitr, shortcuts.

Suggested by ARUtools, Hmisc, Luminescence, Platypus, RPyGeo, Racmacs, Rdpack, ReviewR, SIAtools, SpaDES.core, admiraldev, alarmdata, arcpy, asciicast, askgpt, attachment, backpipe, behaviorchange, berryFunctions, blogdown, bookdown, civis, cli, cliapp, clipr, cloudstoR, codebook, colourpicker, colt, common, constructive, covidmx, covidnor, covr, crayon, crunch, csalert, csdata, cstidy, csutil, datadogr, dataquieR, devtools, disk.frame, dm, docstring, drake, dtrackr, duckplyr, easyr, ecmwfr, fledge, formatR, fusen, ggExtra, git4r, golem, googleAuthR, googleCloudRunner, gtools, hablar, hutils, insight, ipumsr, ixplorer, keras3, knitr, knitrdata, learnr, lintr, listviewer, lorem, mapview, metafor, metan, mlbplotR, modeldatatoo, natmanager, neatStats, neonstore, netrankr, nflplotR, objectremover, org, pak, paws.common, pkgdepends, pkgdown, pkgload, pkgsearch, pliman, plumber, precommit, prettycode, progressr, prompt, psyverse, rbin, rco, redcapAPI, renv, reservr, rextendr, rhandsontable, rjtools, rock, roxygen2md, rstan, rstantools, rtoot,, servr, shidashi, shinyMobile, shinytest2, splutil, styler, sudachir, summarytools, tabxplor, targets, testit, testthat, testthis, texor, timeseriesdb, tinsel, tinytable, tinytex, transforEmotion, ubiquity, ufs, vroom, wacolors, whippr, xaringan, xfun, ypr.

Enhanced by box.

See at CRAN