Reference manual

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1.4.0 by Hao Zhu, a year ago,

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Authors: Hao Zhu [aut, cre] , Thomas Travison [ctb] , Timothy Tsai [ctb] , Will Beasley [ctb] , Yihui Xie [ctb] , GuangChuang Yu [ctb] , Stéphane Laurent [ctb] , Rob Shepherd [ctb] , Yoni Sidi [ctb] , Brian Salzer [ctb] , George Gui [ctb] , Yeliang Fan [ctb] , Duncan Murdoch [ctb] , Vincent Arel-Bundock [ctb] , Bill Evans [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

MIT + file LICENSE license

Imports knitr, magrittr, stringr, xml2, rmarkdown, scales, viridisLite, stats, grDevices, htmltools, rstudioapi, tools, digest, graphics, svglite

Suggests testthat, magick, tinytex, formattable, sparkline, webshot2

Imported by CIfinder, DQAstats, DescrTab2, ExPanDaR, FlyingR, GWASinspector, LifeInsureR, PFIM, ProAE, QurvE, RawHummus, RegCombin, Rprofet, SNPannotator, ShapleyValue, SouthParkRshiny, VicmapR, abmR, amanida, anabel, bridger, businessPlanR, calidad, cheese, codified, compareGroups, conquestr, dgpsi, div, dlookr, dosedesignR, doudpackage, eHDPrep, easyORtables, ecr, epitab, esmtools, fastml, fastrep, flying, gWQS, glossary, gnomonicM, grapesAgri1, gretlR, igate, iotables, ixplorer, jarbes, lingglosses, mMARCH.AC, marked, mdsr, modelDown, msig, panelsummary, phase1PRMD, postGGIR, prettyglm, puzzle, qPCRtools, qtkit, r4ss, ready4, reportRmd, ridigbio, rjdmarkdown, rosetta, rqti, scan, sfcr, sivirep, sjtable2df, spork, surveytable, tab, tablet, tabxplor, tidyMC, ufs, umx, usedthese, vectorsurvR, visxhclust, voiceR, volker, wrappedtools, xtsum.

Depended on by vtable.

Suggested by AHPWR, APCalign, BOSSreg, BayesPPD, BayesianMCPMod, BioPred, COMMA, CTNote, CoNI, DiscreteFDR, DiscreteGapStatistic, Ecfun, EvoPhylo, FAVA, FORTLS, FielDHub, FuzzyPovertyR, GIFT, GIFTr, GaussSuppression, HVT, Hmisc, IOHanalyzer, IPEDSuploadables, JDCruncheR, LMN, LearnVizLMM, LexisNexisTools, LocalCop, LongDat, MARVEL, MPI, MSEtool, MachineShop, Markovchart, MiRKAT, Mmcsd, MultiATSM, NMsim, OSLdecomposition, OlinkAnalyze, OmicsQC, PROsetta, PUMP, PlackettLuce, PointedSDMs, PredTest, ProActive, ProTrackR2, QuantileNPCI, REDCapDM, REDCapExporter, REDCapR, RJafroc, RKorAPClient, RRphylo, RTSA, Rediscover, Rraven, SDMtune, SESraster, SangerTools, SightabilityModel, SimTOST, SingleCaseES, SmallCountRounding, SpatialRDD, StepReg, TestDesign, Tplyr, VARshrink, VirtualPop, WARDEN, WASP, ZIprop, aedseo, afdx, aldvmm, allofus, archetyper, ast2ast, baRulho, behaviorchange, biodosetools, bsitar, bullseye, card, circumplex, cleanepi, cloudos, clustTMB, cmfrec, cols4all, concstats, contrast, convergEU, covid19br, ctxR, dabestr, dampack, danstat, dataspice, dedupewider, deepredeff, diffEnrich, dropR, drugdevelopR, drugprepr, dscore, eat, evapoRe, ezECM, fastTS, faux, fgeo, flexFitR, flowTraceR, funkyheatmap, g3viz, gMCPLite, galah, gasper, geocmeans, ggfacto, gimap, glmmSeq, grwat, gsDesign, gsDesign2, gtsummary, hesim, heterocop, hydraulics, iNZightPlots, ibawds, idiogramFISH, iheiddown, injurytools, inlpubs, insee, interlineaR, ipolygrowth, ir, isocat, isotree, jSDM, jtools, klassR, ldt, letsR, litteR, loewesadditivity, logitr, maat, marginaleffects, mashr, medrxivr, memor, memoria, metabolic, metadeconfoundR, miRetrieve, midfieldr, mimsy, mlr3fairness, modelsummary, mpathsenser, mutSignatures, mvMAPIT, myClim, neodistr, nipnTK, nuts, oldr, openeo, opitools, outliertree, pRecipe, parseLatex, pcutils,, pedtools, pharmaRTF, pikchr, pinochet, placer, plsmselect, public.ctn0094data, public.ctn0094extra, qacBase, qra, quadcleanR, ratlas, rcausim, recometrics, regmedint, repello, replacer, reservoirnet, rfm, ricu, rirods, riskscores, rms, rwebstat, rxode2, ryandexdirect, savvyr, scDiffCom, scoringutils, shinyExprPortal, simhelpers, simphony, sotkanet, spNetwork, spant, sparseMVN, sparseR, ssmodels, staRdom, standby, stats19, sugarglider, summarytools, surveyPrev, table1, tables, tabr, tangram.pipe, tatoo, tcpl, texPreview, tidyfit, tidytlg, tramnet, tsgc, unusualprofile, virtualPollen, vivaldi, volcano3D, warbleR, whereami, wrProteo, xtranat, yamlet, zlog.

See at CRAN