Reference manual

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2.4.0 by Jonah Gabry, 3 months ago,

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Authors: Jonah Gabry [aut, cre] , Ben Goodrich [aut] , Martin Lysy [aut] , Andrew Johnson [aut] , Hamada S. Badr [ctb] , Marco Colombo [ctb] , Stefan Siegert [ctb] , Trustees of Columbia University [cph]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports desc, stats, utils, Rcpp, RcppParallel

Suggests rstan, usethis, testthat, knitr, pkgbuild, pkgload, roxygen2, rmarkdown, rstudioapi

System requirements: pandoc, C++14

Imported by AovBay, BINtools, BPrinStratTTE, BayesGmed, BayesGrowth, BayesSenMC, BayesianPlatformDesignTimeTrend, BeeGUTS, Bernadette, CARME, CNVRG, CausalQueries, DCPO, EcoEnsemble, EloSteepness, EpiNow2, FlexReg, LMMELSM, MADPop, MIRES, MetaStan, OncoBayes2, PoolTestR, RBesT, RoBTT, StanMoMo, YPBP, YPPE, baggr, bakR, baldur, bayes4psy, bayesGAM, bayesZIB, bayesdfa, bayesforecast, beanz, bellreg, bennu, blavaan, bmgarch, bmggum, bmlm, bmstdr, breathteststan, brms, bws, cbq, cloneRate, conStruct, conformalbayes, ctsem, densEstBayes, eggCounts, expertsurv, fcirt, geostan, glmmPen, glmmfields, glmmrBase, greencrab.toolkit, hbamr, historicalborrowlong, hmcdm, hsstan, hwep, idem, isotracer, jfa, lgpr, measr, metaBMA, mrbayes, multinma, multipleDL, networkscaleup, oncomsm, pcFactorStan, pema, phacking, projpred, prome, prophet, psBayesborrow, publipha, rPBK, rater, rbioacc, rbmi, rcbayes, rmBayes, rstanarm, rstanbdp, rstanemax, rts2, spsurv, ssMousetrack, surveil, survstan, thurstonianIRT, trialr, truncnormbayes, tsnet, ubms, visit, walker, webSDM, zoid.

Depended on by Rlgt, bistablehistory.

Suggested by bayesplot, broom.mixed, disbayes, effectsize, gastempt, ggeffects, ggstatsplot, insight, loo, marginaleffects, performance, rstan, statsExpressions, tidybayes, tipsae.

See at CRAN