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0.4.1 by Marcelo Mollinari, a year ago
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Authors: Marcelo Mollinari [aut, cre] , Gabriel Gesteira [aut] , Cristiane Taniguti [aut] , Jeekin Lau [aut] , Oscar Riera-Lizarazu [ctb] , Guilhereme Pereira [ctb] , Augusto Garcia [ctb] , Zhao-Bang Zeng [ctb] , Katharine Preedy [ctb, cph] (MDS ordering algorithm) , Robert Gentleman [cph] (C code for MLE optimization in src/pairwise_estimation.cpp) , Ross Ihaka [cph] (C code for MLE optimization in src/pairwise_estimation.cpp) , R Foundation [cph] (C code for MLE optimization in src/pairwise_estimation.cpp) , R-core [cph] (C code for MLE optimization in src/pairwise_estimation.cpp)
Documentation: PDF Manual
GPL-3 license
Imports Rcpp, RcppParallel, RCurl, fields, ggpubr, ggsci, rstudioapi, plot3D, dplyr, crayon, cli, magrittr, reshape2, ggplot2, smacof, princurve, dendextend, vcfR, zoo, plotly
Suggests testthat, updog, fitPoly, polymapR, AGHmatrix, gatepoints, knitr, rmarkdown, stringr
Linking to Rcpp, RcppParallel
System requirements: GNU make
Imported by qtlpoly.
Suggested by polymapR, polyqtlR.
See at CRAN