Reference manual

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0.8.0 by Matthew Lincoln, 3 years ago,

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Authors: Matthew Lincoln [aut, cre] , Louis Maddox [ctb] , Steve Simpson [ctb] , Jennifer Bryan [ctb]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL-3 license

Imports utils

Suggests covr, knitr, rmarkdown, rstudioapi, testthat

System requirements: xclip ( or xsel ( for accessing the X11 clipboard, or wl-clipboard ( for systems using Wayland.

Imported by ARTofR, AdhereRViz, CUFF, Claddis, HYPEtools, IGoRRR, MESS, TBox, allcontributors, carbonate, causalDisco, ch, chatAI4R, chatgpt, chattr, chronicler, corx, ctrdata, datacleanr, datapasta, deepRstudio, details, fio, gitignore, groqR, gyro, juicedown, k5, matahari, multitool, packagefinder, pasteAsComment, perplexR, portalr, rde, readr, reprex, rtoot, tidydatatutor, urlshorteneR, usemodels, usethis, vegalite, xpectr.

Depended on by ltable.

Suggested by DBItest, boxr, bruceR, circle, constructive, coveffectsplot, epiCleanr, exampletestr, formods, ggeasy, hrbrthemes, httr2, idiogramFISH, interfacer, leafem, mark, matlib, meltr, pctax, pcutils, projmgr, rio, rstudioapi, ruminate, shinymeta, socialranking, tremendousr, workflowr, ympes.

See at CRAN