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install.packages("cluster") by Martin Maechler, 11 days ago

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Authors: Martin Maechler [aut, cre] , Peter Rousseeuw [aut] (Fortran original , , Anja Struyf [aut] (S original) , Mia Hubert [aut] (S original , , Kurt Hornik [trl, ctb] (port to R; maintenance(1999-2000) , , Matthias Studer [ctb] , Pierre Roudier [ctb] , Juan Gonzalez [ctb] , Kamil Kozlowski [ctb] , Erich Schubert [ctb] (fastpam options for pam() , , Keefe Murphy [ctb] (volume.ellipsoid({d >= 3}))

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 2) license

Imports graphics, grDevices, stats, utils

Suggests MASS, Matrix

Enhances mvoutlier, fpc, ellipse, sfsmisc

Imported by ADPclust, Anthropometry, AutoPipe, BCClong, BCHM, BiBitR, C443, CAinterprTools, CDGHMM, CLUSTShiny, CORElearn, CPC, Cascade, Cluster.OBeu, Clustering, Compositional, ConsensusClustering, CrossClustering, DIscBIO, DTSR, DiscreteGapStatistic, DisimForMixed, ECoL, EcotoneFinder, EvaluateCore, EvoPhylo, ExtremalDep, FADPclust, FPDclustering, FactoMineR, FairMclus, FastRet, FieldSimR, FuzzyQ, GET, GIC, GSSTDA, GeneNMF, GridOnClusters, GrpString, HVT, HierPortfolios, Hmisc, ICSClust, KMEANS.KNN, LKT, LocalControl, MEDseq, MEGENA, MGMM, MLVSBM, MSclust, MazamaLocationUtils, Mercator, MixGHD, MixtureMissing, Momocs, MorphoRegions, MultIS, NSAE, PINSPlus, PReMiuM, PSF, Patterns, RAINBOWR, RHPCBenchmark, RPANDA, RSSL, RaceID, RclusTool, SLBDD, SOMMD, SPARTAAS, SemiPar, SensoMineR, Seurat, SillyPutty, SlideCNA, SparseFunClust, SpectralClMixed, StatDA, TML, TSdist, TcGSA, TraMineR, TraMineRextras, TreeSearch, WCluster, WOAkMedoids, WormTensor, Xplortext, YEAB, aPCoA, adiv, agricolae, anocva, aqp, autoBagging, aweSOM, beadplexr, binspp, biopixR, bioregion, bipl5, biplotbootGUI, bootcluster, boxplotcluster, brsim, chooseGCM, classmap, clhs, clue, clusEvol, clustTMB, clusterHD, clustrd, cmAnalysis, cobiclust, coca, comato, condvis2, conjoint, cstab, dPCP, daltoolbox, disclapmix, disclapmix2, discoveR, drclust, dtwclust, ecan, etree, factoextra, fdacluster, fpc, funrar, ggtaxplot, glmmfields, gromovlab, hmer, iClusterVB, iSubGen, ideanet, immunaut, inpdfr, ipft, isopam, jackstraw, jrSiCKLSNMF, klic, labdsv, lakemorpho, lazytrade, leapgp, mFD, makePalette, manydist, maotai, mastif, metaCluster, metasnf, mlr3cluster, monoClust, multibiplotGUI, mutSignatures, nncc, norMmix, oompaBase, opGMMassessment, openSkies, openair, pamr, pavo, phylosignalDB, pivmet, predReliability, puls, qcluster, rEMM, rainbow, randomUniformForest, randomcoloR, rassta, recluster, relations, rms, rmsb, rnmamod, robCompositions, rrcovNA, sClust, sarp.snowprofile.alignment, scISR, scellpam, sdcMicro, sejmRP, semiArtificial, semtree, seqimpute, seriation, sigQC, skmeans, speaq, spikeSlabGAM, statGraph, stemmatology, stream, symbolicDA, tidyvpc, traj, treeheatr, truh, uHMM, ulrb, vegan, vegan3d, visxhclust, wordspace.

Depended on by AssocTests, BoutrosLab.plotting.general, ClassDiscovery, ClusterStability, CoImp, GLDEX, ICGE, IntNMF, MOCCA, MiSPU, NMF, NU.Learning, PAMhm, RPMM, TSclust, WeightedCluster, abodOutlier, bios2mds, briKmeans, clValid, clustEff, clusterSim, clv, convevol, dbstats, divo, gclus, maptree, nomclust, saccadr, treeClust.

Suggested by ARTool, AnthropMMD, BarcodingR, BiodiversityR, CircularSilhouette, Evacluster, FCPS, HKRbook, MachineShop, MapperAlgo, MoEClust, Platypus, QuadratiK, R2HTML, REN, REdaS, RGraphics, RRphylo, SCpubr, TreeDist, adept, agriutilities, biplotEZ, broom, clayringsmiletus, condvis, cordillera, dendextend, diceR, e1071, earthtones, eclust, familiar, fdm2id, flexclust, flextable, ggdendro, ggfortify, goeveg, grImport, idendr0, ksharp, languageR, latrend, mdendro, mlr, mlr3viz, moRphomenses, naspaclust, nexus, nor1mix, parallelpam, parameters, pdfCluster, ppclust, ppmSuite, pulsar, randomForestSRC, rattle, restoptr, robustbase, robustfa, sageR, scorepeak, seqhandbook, sfsmisc, sharp, shipunov, sigminer, sjPlot, sociome, spatialEco, tclust, tensorsparse, tidyclust.

Enhanced by MixSim.

See at CRAN