Reference manual

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1.1.2 by Prashanth S Velayudhan, a month ago,

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Authors: Prashanth S Velayudhan [aut, cre] , Xiaoqiao Xu [aut] , Prajkta Kallurkar [aut] , Ana Patricia Balbon [aut] , Maria T Secara [aut] , Adam Taback [aut] , Denise Sabac [aut] , Nicholas Chan [aut] , Shihao Ma [aut] , Bo Wang [aut] , Daniel Felsky [aut] , Stephanie H Ameis [aut] , Brian Cox [aut] , Colin Hawco [aut] , Lauren Erdman [aut] , Anne L Wheeler [aut, ths]

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports cluster, digest, dplyr, ggplot2, grDevices, MASS, mclust, methods, progressr, purrr, rlang, SNFtool, stats, tidyr, utils

Suggests circlize, ComplexHeatmap, InteractiveComplexHeatmap, clv, future, future.apply, knitr, rmarkdown, testthat, ggalluvial, dbscan

See at CRAN