Reference manual

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1.1-1 by Frank Harrell, 19 days ago

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Authors: Frank Harrell [aut, cre] , Ben Goodrich [ctb] (contributed Stan code) , Ben Bolker [ctb] (wrote original code that is folded into the pdensityContour function) , Doug Bates [ctb] (write original code for highest posterior density interval that is folded into the HPDint function)

Documentation:   PDF Manual  

GPL (>= 3) license

Imports methods, Rcpp, rstan, Hmisc, survival, ggplot2, MASS, cluster, digest, knitr, loo

Depends on rms

Suggests cmdstanr, bayesplot, mice

Linking to BH, Rcpp, RcppEigen, RcppParallel, rstan, StanHeaders

System requirements: GNU make

Suggested by rms.

See at CRAN